The Mission

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Sorry it has been so long. School has just been a pain in the podex lately. Hope you like this new chapter!

From Fangirl,


*Disclaimer: Owned by Uncle Rick.

Recap: Removing my cloak and staring at my team I say, "My name is Nico di Angelo."

At this I hear my new team gasp. But, I only had eyes for the two of the most important people in my life. Reyna and Bianca both step forward and look at me as if I were a ghost.

"I thought I had lost you forever little brother. I was going for rebirth and instead I ended up here. I finally get to see you again.


"ANYWAY." Always count on Dark to break the tension in the room. As he says this my adopted mother enters the room.

"Well hello my warriors. Now that you have all got to meet each other we need to move on to important matters. Trouble has been brewing in the outside world. A new enemy is arising that worries us. Nobody knows who this new threat is, but we have a vague idea on this new foe."

Shocked I look at Dark and Night and ask, "May we ask who you think it is?"

"We are forbidden by the Ancient Laws to interfere in this matter, so we cannot. We are allowed to warn you to never trust the light and send help. My wife and I have decided to send our elite team to help protect Earth."

We were about to protest, but Dark just continued on like we didn't try to interrupt.

"Yes we said Earth. We know that you all have feel about the demigods that have now been given godhood. But, this matter is so dire that you must help. Without you, everything will be enveloped into chaos. The gods don't stand a chance by themselves. We believe that you all shall save Earth. If you don't help the gods everything will be either wiped out of existence or worse, so you must go."

From their tone of voice I knew there was no point arguing with them. After living with them for so long, you end up picking up these things.

"Alright, so when are we leaving?" I asked

"Now" they replied with a snap of their fingers. We were transported to the throne room and arrived to a startled fully armed Olympian war counsel. What a great day I'm having.

I know that this is a short filler chapter, but I'm trying to get the story moving along. My attempt at a heartfelt meeting chapter was taking a while and we need to get to some action Nico. Plus the heart to heart I want to happen later on. I am going to pair up Nico but it isn't a canon pairing.

TBH if I kept this all canon, some of what I had in mind isn't going to work so I'm probably going to have to go away from the original cannon and make Nico bisexual instead. But I still do ship Solangelo. They are my OTP.

See you with the next chapter titled Back Again.

Wizardcrazy1 signing out my dudes!

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