chapter 21 my home?

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A/n I just want y'all to know that this is my story and I will not be adding things from the anime. The only time I'll add things different than what I thought in the first place is, I might put in some quotes or if you all want me to add something that you want in the story. Thank y'all for everything!! 😄

I closed my eyes thinking I was about to die as tears rolled down my cheeks. I felt something grab me and I opened my eyes. "Oh sesshomaru!" I cried as I wrapped my arms around him.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I just nodded without saying a word. He then took me back up to where the others were.

"Thank goodness your okay." Kagome said hugging me.

"Did you get the shards?" I asked looking around but the demon was nowhere to be found.

"Yeah, sesshomaru and inuyasha killed it. When you were falling to your death it almost stepped on you so sesshomaru cut off it's leg." She said with a smile.

Next thing I knew my head started to hert, my eyes got heavy, my legs lost all filling. I then started to fall backwards but sesshomaru got me before I hit the ground. Next thing I know I was in darkness.


I then slowly opened my eyes to see I was in a hut. "So she will be okay?" I could hear kagome say from a distance.

"S-sesshomaru?" I wisperd, when I did pain shot through my throat. "Se-sesshomaru?" I said a little louder making the pain more unbearable.

"Thank goodness your okay y/n. I'll go get sesshomaru, He's out there talking to lady kaede." Rin said with a smile before running out of the little hut.

All I did after she left was look up at the roof. 'what happened to me?' I thought to myself I then herd footsteps. I looked over to see sesshomaru walking closer to me. "The old woman said that you just over did yourself. She said you might have hit a rock to make you get knocked out like that." He said with a little smile.

I gave him a smile back but when I did my lips ripped a little making them bleed a little. I then tried to sit up. "H-how long have i-i been here?" I whispered trying not to hurt my throat that much.

"You have been asleep for 2days. We had to force you to take down water." He said helping me up. He then wiped the blood off my lips with his finger. "Let's go get you some water. It's been 3 hours since you had water." He said helping me walk.

"Why d-does it hurt to talk or walk?" I asked.

"You haven't eaten and you don't have that much energy, your throat hurts because you haven't had that much water." He said holding me close to him.

As we sat down he got me out some food as Rin came in. "Do you want me to go get you some water?" She asked. I just gave her a nod and with that she ran off once more.

"Why were you crying?" Sesshomaru asked.

"Maybe b-because I  I was f-falling to my death." I wisperd as I ate the food that he gave me.

"No, what happened to you fother. You wisperd papa as you were falling." He said.

"I just thought about him. That's all." I wisperd before taking a a bite.

"How did he die?" He asked me.

"They got killed by a man and his friend, they set my house on fire. Demon was the one who saved me." 'why does he want to know all this now?' I asked myself. Even after I met him I could never tell what he was thinking.

He then hugged me. "Promise me, you will never leave me like your parents did you." He said.

I hugged him back. "I promise." I let go of him and as soon as I did Rin came in with some water.

"Here, this should help you. Lady kaede put some herbs to help you feel better faster." Rin said with a smile.

I took it from her and started to drink it. 'mama, I hope you and papa are resting well. I found someone well more like a demon. I think I'm in love with him I just hope I can make a family with him like you did with papa.'

"Where is my daughter?" I herd a man say. He then walked in the hut that me and sesshomaru were. "There you are, come on we are going home." He said grabbing my arm.

"Dad! Let go of me!!" I yelled the bad thing was when I yelled pain shot through my throat making me pull back in pain.

He then turned to sesshomaru. "Thank you for telling me she was here. If it wasn't for you I thought I would never see my little girl again."

When he said that I terned to sesshomaru, at this point I felt like I have been lied to, I felt hurt, and my heart felt like it just shaderd. "Y-you told him I w-was here?" I asked.

Dad then grabbed my arm again. "Now then y/n let's get going. We have a lot of things to do, for example we need to get the wedding back on." He said. This time I didn't fight back. It felt like my world has fallen all around me and there was nothing I could do to make it stop.

"Wait! Where you going y/n!?" Rin yelled.

I didn't say anything, I just stayed quiet. "I'll come visit you!" Kagome yelled waving with a sad expression.

Time skip

"Well here we are y/n, welcome to your home." Dad said with a smile.

"My home? You mean your home. I have no desire to live with you. Why do you think I ran away in the first place?" I asked giving him a death look.

"Look y/n, your lucky your not out there on the streets. If it wasn't for me you probably wouldn't even be here today! So suck it up buttercup!" He yelled grabbing my arm as he pulled me along with him. "You are going to stay on your cage till the wedding, then your husband will decide what to do with you." He said.

He then locked me away. "Why me?" I wisperd.

Sesshomaru's p.o.v

"Lord sesshomaru! A man just took awa-!!" Joken then stopped. "My Lord? why are you in the corner?!" He asked.

'I was in the corner after the man took y/n away. I can't let her stay with me and risk her life. That's when I went and got him. When she was asleep for days I ran off and found him, when I did I told him where she was. Now that she's not here by my side I don't know what to do.' I thought to myself as I sat in the corner covering my face. "Joken?" I said standing up.

"Y-yes me lord!?" He asked.

"Tell me, what would you do if I killed her family?" I asked looking at him.

"You mean y/n's family?! Well I don't know me lord!" He said.

"Very well." I then walked out of the hut. "Rin, joken, I want you two to stay here till I get back."

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