Chapter 2

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**I absolutely love the art above, does anyone know who did it?! I really want to know. Anyway, enjoy, and don't forget to read May Death Never Stop You if you haven't already.**

The music started, and I heard a very well known note come through from a piano somewhere. Oh my God, I know this song. I choose to blame (y/n) for that because she played this song a lot, but I knew it by heart. I leaned over to Frank.

"Frank, I know this song. It's by My Chemical Romance."

"No, it's by you Gerard, but if you really do know it, then go ahead and join in for the chorus."

"Okay, I'll give it a shot."

"Good. Maybe this is just how your memory is choosing to come back. Now shut up until you're supposed to sing."

I nodded and went back to the place where I had been told to stand. I heard the guy who was apparently named Ray begin the line "Sometimes I get the feeling she's watching over me" and I looked at Frank, who nodded, before I joined in.

"And other times I feel like I should go." Ray turned around when I sang this, and gave me an approving thumbs up. We continued the rest of the song, and when we finished, a large group of people showed up. I recognized one of them, he used to be Billie Joe Armstrong, but was also a Killjoy.

"First up," Frank read off of a paper, "Billie Joe Armstrong. Career: member of the band Green Day and Killjoy. Lives saved: 342. Lives taken: 43. Innocent lives taken: 0. What do you think Gerard, he obviously needs the medal for serving as a Killjoy," he said pointedly handing me a colorful medal. "Does he qualify for the Life-saving medal?"

"Yes, I think he does." I remember (y/n) once said that he had been in one of the bands that had saved her life when she was younger. He handed me another medal.

"Billie Joe Armstrong, step forward." Billie did so, and I saw that he was still dressed in his Killjoy outfit, mask on. At least he managed to die with his mask on. "Pin the medals on his jacket," Frank whispered so only I could hear.

I did as I was told, and when I told him to look up at me, Billie looked surprised. "Party, what are you doing here?"

"Being mistaken for Gerard, who is apparently God here, so you have to call me Gerard," I whispered back.

Billie was taken by Fate to somewhere in the crowd, and we repeated this with many other people, but there were no other Killjoys today. That made me glad. They were doing pretty well, I guess. Probably doing better with (y/n) as their leader than they ever did with me.

At what I assume was around noon, because I can't really tell when there's no real light here, we stopped and went back below the float.

"Not bad, Mike," Frank said when we got down there.

"What did I do?" the geeky looking emo kid with glasses asked. He kind of looked like Kobra. That hurt.

"Not you, Mikey. This guy claims to be named Mike," Frank answered, pointing at me.

"My name is Mike. I'm not Gerard."

"Well, you look like him, and we don't know where Gerard is, so we're going to go with this for now."

"Whatever," I muttered.

"Where's Gerard?" The geek, Mikey, asked. "Where's my brother?"

Wow, the guy who looks like my brother is my doppleganger's brother.

"I don't know. Maybe we should ask the guy who happens to look just like him and be wearing his clothes," a blond guy said, walking in. I recognized him as the drummer from up on stage.

"Bob, calm down. I don't think this guy did anything, he's completely clueless," Frank defended me.

"Then how did he know the song, huh?" the guy I now knew was Bob asked.

"I know it because it was a really popular song back in the world of the living. It was released by a band called My Chemical Romance, and my girlfriend really liked it and played it a lot. It rubbed off, okay?" I said defensively.

"I still don't trust him," Bob said.

"You don't have to worry, Bob. You know Gerard, he'll probably be back soon enough, he's just bad with time. Then we switch him for Mike, and act like nothing happened," Frank argued.

"Unless Fate is right and this is actually just Gee with memory loss," Ray said.

"Yes, on that off chance, sure," Frank allowed.

"What if that is true, and he never gets his memory back?" Mikey asked worriedly. "I just want my brother back."

"Hey, man, I can understand that. I have a little brother, too. He's still alive, and I can only hope to any gods that might be out there that he's okay and remains okay until an old age. Same with my girlfriend, but it doesn't seem likely, as they are all Killjoys. I'm sure your brother is fine, wherever he is."

"Well, if you're hoping to a god of some sort, you might as well hope to yourself for a while now. You are God, as long as Gee is gone," Ray said.

"I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with that," I said.

"Well, you're gonna have to learn to deal with it. Do you think you've got the basics of what you need to do here?"

"Yeah, I think I can do this." I noticed Bob was still sulking in a corner. He would be hard to convince, but I know I didn't do anything to this Gerard guy. He was just out late, and he would be back soon to clear my name.

I sat down on the nearest piece of furniture I could find, which happened to be a sturdy table.

"Are you okay?" Ray asked.

"Yeah, I just really miss my girlfriend and brother. I'm worried about them. I was previously the most wanted Killjoy. Now that falls to my girlfriend, and I just can't help but think that if they got me, they can get her too. I have to keep telling myself that she was always better at these things than me, but I just don't know."

"You were the most wanted Killjoy?" Frank asked, impressed.

"Yeah, I was. Just ask Billie Joe."


"The Killjoy that just died."

"Oh yeah, him."

"I was basically the leader, but now I guess (y/n) will take that over. Either her or Ghoul."

"Well, we have to go back up now. You ready to do this thing?"

"Yeah, I think I am."

**Do you like the way this is tying in with the other story? I thought it was kinda cool, if I do say so myself.*

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