Chapter 2

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*Caroline's POV*

I walked into the Apartment room area and the room was huge and white. The walls were white or whiteish because of the building slightly falling apart. I stood in the middle of the floor, I couldn't help the shaking that was taking over my body because well I was either nervous as hell or scared shitless. I honestly didn't know what I should be scared of but something here didn't feel right. The woman Victoria looked at me strangely, I could tell that she wanted to ask me if I was okay but knowing me, I'd probably lie and say I was cold and tired or something.

The man Sebastian walked into the kitchen and walked back out with three plates, one for me, one for himself and one for Victoria. The plates looked magnificent, a flowered design decorated them.  I started to walk towards the table and that's when I saw the different kinds of delicious food on the table. There was corn, a type of meat, rolls or buns that you bake in the oven. It wasn't much food but it'll do for now. I went to sit down in one of the chairs and wait for them to sit down as well.

The foods aroma drifted towards my mouth and made my mouth water, I didn't know how hungry I was until now. I swear I could probably eat all this food and still be hungry because I haven't found food in days. I've been out here in the middle of nowhere for almost a week now and only found a few animals such as rats or other creatures to snack on, so basically I was starving.

Once we all were at the table I reached for the food immediately but my hand was abruptly smacked my Victoria and she looked mad then almost immediately her face turned nice again.

"Dear, we always say grace and thank god for our food and for the stuff we have," Victoria and Sebastian said at the same time. 

I sat there and stared at my plate frowning. I didn't even know what this "Grace" was, on top of that I was confused and angry but mostly hungry. I could feel their stares but I didn't know why they were looking at me... I just hope they didn't want me to say this 'grace' thing. Sebastian started to clear his throat and grabbed mine and Victoria's hand, then he began to speak.

"God, we thank you for this delicious food and beverages you have provided for us. We also thank you for leading this child to us and letting her not starve. Amen." Sebastian said as he released our hands and smiled.

I was still looking down at my plate with my eyebrows creased together as I let his words run through my head. That was grace? I thought maybe he would have more things to be thankful for. I glanced at Victoria who had picked up her fork and put some food in her mouth and I did the same. Once I started to chew my food I quickly swallowed and shoved more food in my mouth, before I knew it... my plate was clean and empty.

I looked down at my lap as they both stared at me in shock. I started to twiddle my thumbs nervously. I always hated it when people stared at me but I decided to not say anything because well they did give me food and water. It wouldn't matter anyway in a few hours when its dark out and they were sleeping. I would be gone anyway by the time they woke up. I wish I had a car though, I would be faster getting back home than walking ever would.

My mind started to wander to my family and to my boyfriend. I missed them so much, it could have easily been hours, days, or months since I seen them last. I wouldn't know the amount of time passed because I didn't own any technology or a watch. All I knew was that somehow, someway I would eventually get my revenge on them. The least they could've done was leave me in a town that wasn't abandoned. It was almost like they wanted me to die or something.

I slowly excused myself from the table to go lie down. I wasn't feeling good after how fast I ate. I reached a hallway which had about 4 doors. 3 of the doors I assumed were bedrooms and the other door I assumed was a bathroom. I went to the first door and opened it to see it was a quite large bathroom with a bathtub shaped hot tub. I went to leave that door open so I wouldn't get confused. The second door was a bedroom, I opened the door and Victoria came up behind me and whispered in my ear that it was hers and Sebastian's room.

I walked to the 3rd door and it was another bedroom, I opened the door and peeked inside. It was empty and plain. I walked to the 4th door and opened it but to my surprise, it was just a smaller bathroom with a shower instead of a bathtub. I walked back to my room which was the 3rd door and walked straight to the bed. Once I laid on the bed I passed out from exhaustion. 


I woke up from my deep sleep and looked outside. The sky looked dark enough for me to escape. Luckily the moon was out and not behind clouds so it could guide me to my destination. Sadly though I won't get home in one night so the moon and sun will both have to guide me. I walked out of my room and tip-toed down the hallway and into the kitchen. I grabbed a few plastic Tupperware and filled them with some leftover food and shoved them in my backpack. Soon as I knew it I was already out the door and in the street. I started walking towards home...

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