Chapter 1

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*Caroline's POV*

Who would have thought my family and my boyfriend hated me so much to abandon me in the middle of nowhere? Thoughts of everything that happened in the last few days passed through my mind at this very second. I had yelled at everyone and acted out, I was sure that's what 16-year-olds did from time to time. I certainly wasn't perfect but who was? Everyone has expectations of me but it was me that had no expectations at all. I was angry at the world but not only that, I was furious at my people who left me at an abandoned gas station probably thinking 'oh she'll be alright'. They were wrong though. I was alone with no cell phone and no money, to top all of it off... I didn't even have a place to sleep nor did I have food or water.

I stood at the gas station in an empty town. The sky was dark grey, dust floated in the air I breathed. With every breath I took, it stung and tasted of old dirt. The dust went into my eyes and it burned so bad that it literally made my eyes water so that I could hardly see what was in front of me. Through my blurry watery eyes, the road looked cracked and there were skid marks from tires that lead in only one direction... North. I started to follow the marks and immediately was winded. I knew that if I was going to walk to where I lived, I needed rest to build up my strength.

I searched all the buildings in high hopes for shelter but none stood out or looked remotely comfortable to stay in for the night. Mice ran across the floor and over my feet, dust and dirt settled on every surface possible. It honestly looked like no one lived here for decades. I bet the only thing here that was probably still good was the alcohol that was left behind. I knew I couldn't survive on alcohol because well one I was only 16 and two food and water were the only things that could keep me alive at any cost. The only source of food and water I found were moldy and uneditable and undrinkable.

I walked to the next building that was across the street. The building looked more or less intact than the last but I still didn't trust it. What choice did I have in the situation I was put in? Oh that's right I didn't have a choice, it was either survive or die with no in-between. I placed my hand on the door to open it but I was shocked to find the doors locked. Why would the doors be locked? Was there someone inside? Did the people that owned this building think they were just going to come back and this place will be in working shape?

I started to wonder about what happened here that made people leave so suddenly. I looked around to try to find a rock big enough to break the glass but light enough for me to lift it but sadly there were no rocks around. I shrugged my shoulders and moved onto the next building. This time it was an apartment building and I put my hands on the handle to open it and the doors easily slid open. I walked inside and it actually felt promising and homey. I knew from my early years of training at the police academy to never get comfortable no matter how comfy it may seem.

I may be 16 but I guess I'm smarter than the average adult or at least that's what people have told me in the past. I was taught to track in the academy as in look for clues that could tell me where I was and where I was heading to.  I started to look around the main floor of the apartment building to see what I could use to survive and surprisingly I found unopened bottles of water that felt so cold to the touch. The only thing I was cautious of was that it was cold and there wasn't even a speck of dust on it so it couldn't have been here for long at all. Who put it here?

I searched high and low for more items I could use but all I found what the bottles of water and a few flashlights. I took off my backpack and put them inside. As I moved to the stairwell I hear a man and a woman talking so like a cop I tried to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"I couldn't just leave her to die out there, Sebastian. I had to unlock the door and give her a few bottles of water and flashlights. She probably would've done the same if she saw us out there" the woman said in a whisper, even I strained to hear her.

"Or she wouldn't have, Victoria. She probably would have saved her own ass as far as we know" the man Sebastian replied.

"I can hear you guys up there. Thank you so much for the water and flashlights. Do you have any food?" I yelled up the stairs so they could hear me clearly.

"Yes, we do! Come on up and have yourself something to eat, child" Victoria said in excitement.

I cautiously started to climb the staircase to the second floor and I was met by two strangers. I was guessing that these were Sebastian and Victoria. Sebastian wore a black suit that had holes in it, his hair was black and he has a beard starting to come out. It looked as if he hasn't showered in weeks and looked in need of one. Victoria wore blue skinny jeans with a purple and blue shirt that covered her butt. She cleaned up pretty well despite the possibility of staying here with probably no electricity which meant, of course, no running water, no lights, no showers and such.

I reached the last step and they held out their hands for a handshake or greeting and I took their hands one at a time for a gesture of being polite. I wore a small smile on my face despite me being shyish. I cleared my throat and trying to look at everything else besides them because I was trying to avoid being rude by mentioning the food. That's when my stomach spoke up before I even had a chance to, my stomach was starting to growl every minute was stood there not talking. I don't remember the last time I ate and it felt like if I didn't eat right now, I was going to die. 

They gestured me towards a room and I kind of got an uneasy feeling about this idea...

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