Chapter 3

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It had been one week. One week since the accident. I hadn't been to see Joe. Chances are i may never see him again. I'd been to his apartment a few times to clean round. He hadn't woken up yet. He had some very major injuries that resulted in him being in a coma. I was a monster. The fact that I had practically done that to him made me feel sick. Zoe and the rest of his family had been to see him but hadn't tried to call me once. They probably know what happened somehow. Not that anyone could tell them about the argument because the only people who knew about it were me and Joe.

I climbed out of my bed and walked up the stairs to my kitchen. I looked a mess. I had bags under my eyes from where I hadn't slept because the sight and sound of the accident always flashed before me sending me into oblivion. My hair was a tangled, frizzy mess and I had sat around in the same 2 pairs of joggers for a whole week.

"Pull yourself together Bella" I said as I took out a bowl from the cupboard and poured in way too much cereal.

"Shit" I mumbles to myself, scraping the extra bits back into the box. I sat on the sofa and began to eat. Usually, myself and joe would be cuddled up on the sofa at this time watching the missed episodes of Eastenders or one of my annoying Disney films which, although he didn't show it, I knew Joe loved it immensely!

Before I knew it, I was crying. My salty tears were dripping into the bowl of soggy, milk-covered cereal. It no longer looked appetising so I set it on the kitchen side to wash up later. I missed Joe. I took out my phone to see 7 missed calls and 4 text messages from Zoe.

I had to go to the hospital to see him. Quickly, I ran down the stairs, into the bathroom where I quickly put my hair into a pony tail, pulled on a pair of leggings and an oversized sweater, put on mascara, grabbed my phone, keys and bag and ran out of the door.

No matter what he thought of me, I had to go and see Joe....

(Hi guys sorry this is mega short but I've been busy lately and I'm hoping to upload more often now, please comment, vote and add to your library's because I promise you, at some point this will get more cheerful! Thanks for reading!!x)

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