Chapter 4

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*beep* *beep* *beep*

The ear-piercing screech of the heart monitor whistled in my ear. I was sat in the room facing my sleeping boyfriend, who was now covered in black-blue bruises. Nothing too serious had happened to him, only a broken arm, wrist and a few bruises. Tears dissolved into my crimson cheeks, man it was hot in this hospital.

The nurse had told me that Joe had only woken up 2 days ago and he has already been up and out of the hospital for fresh air once today. I was scared. Scared to see what joe says or does when he wakes up. Will he remember what happened? Suddenly the door swung open, in walked Zoe and Alfie, carrying a selection of different snacks and drinks which I guessed were for Joe. I greeted them both which a hug and a kiss on the cheek. We got our coffee from the machine and then returned to sit by Joe's bedside.

"Bella?" Zoe finally choked up after 5 minutes of sitting in silence.

"Yes?" I replied, knowing exactly what was going to come next.

"How did it happen?" She asked, I knew at some point I had to come clean.

Zoe was one of my best friends ever since we were growing up so I decided that i had to tell her whether I liked it or not. Afterall, she is Joe's sister.

"We had an argument Zoe. We had a big argument, Joe stormed out of his flat, wasn't looking where he was going and ran out into the road, that's when the car hit him." Zoe looked at me, her eyes full of deep sympathy. Before I could say anything I was crying again.

"Shush Bella it isn't your fault calm down, he is ok, it's ok" she pulled me into a hug and was slowly rocking me in her small arms.

Alfie handed me a tissue which I gladly accepted and wiped my damp face with.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Alfie stood up and opened it to show a woman of about the age of 60 staring at us.

"Hi I'm doctor Helen and I'm Joseph's doctor" she said to us before walking in and over to Joe. Slowly she tapped his shoulder, waking him up.

I watched him stretch upwards and rub his eyes. His eyes slowly opened and straight away his gaze met mine.

"Bella?" He said squinting up at me.

A sudden urge of anxiousness rushed over my body, what if he hates me?

"Joe baby" I replied holding his large hand in both of mine.

"Are you ok?" Zoe asked rushing over to his bedside.

"Never been better" he chuckled to himself peeling the bed clothes off of him as Doctor Helen untangled him from the wires and handed him his antibiotics.

Slowly, he hobbled over to me and engulfed me in his strong arms. He was in his pyjama bottoms and shirtless and I could see the bruises on his torso.

Zoe and Alfie made their way out of the room to give us a few minutes to ourselves.

"I'm sorry" I sobbed into his chest.

"Shush baby it wasn't your fault" Joe whispered back hugging me tightly, kissing the top of my head. He Leant down and gently kissed my lips.

"When will you be out?" I asked, smiling up at him.

"Hopefully tomorrow" he replied rubbing my back.

I thought that he might like some time alone with Zoe and Alfie so I grabbed my bag and kissed him goodbye.

"I'll see you tomorrow Joseph" I winked at him, knowing that he didn't like him when I referred to him by his full name.

"Ok then honey, I love you"

"I love you too"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2014 ⏰

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