Chapter 2

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*Authors note* Ok I'm sorry I haven't really explained the characteristics of the main character so here we go...



Characteristics: Long, kind of curly, thick, blonde hair, blue eyes, 5 6", slim build, has just finished college and is currently working for Chanel.

Hobbies: eating, sleeping, making the odd youtube video, running..

Hope that's enough to get a rough idea of the main character...

Chapter 2~

*Bella's P.O.V* *flashback*

It was a beautiful, sunny Sunday morning. The hideous beeping sound of my alarm clock woke me up at 8:00am. Slowly, I rolled over to see a sleeping Joseph Sugg lying next to me, quietly snoring, his arm still wrapped around my waist. Quietly I wiggled out of his grasp and climbed out of bed. I was currently staying for the week at Joe's apartment as Caspar had gone to South-Africa for the month and Joe was feeling lonely so I came over to stay with him.

I checked the time, 8:03am, I knew Joe still had to edit and upload his 'suggsunday' video today so without hesitating, I threw open the curtains, letting the beaming sun shine into the room, earning a tired groan from Joe.

"Wake up sleepy head, you have a lot to do today" I whispered into his ear, climbing on top of him.

"No" he replied, pushing me off of him so I was lying in the space next to him.

"Joseph you have to edit and upload your video today otherwise your fans will not be happy" I say, pulling the duvet off of him, revealing his muscly body in just his boxer shorts.

"Just go away Bella, I'll do that later." He replied seriously, his voice slightly muffled as his face was buried in his pillow.

That single sentence kind of shocked me, joe had asked me the night before to wake him up at 8am so he could edit and upload his video and then we could go and fetch ice cream and now he's telling me to go away.

"Fine," I stubbornly replied, marching out of the room and up the stairs to the kitchen where I made a bowl of yogurt and banana for my breakfast.

I was half way through eating it when my phone buzzed. I picked it up to see that Jack, otherwise known as Jack from Jacksgap, had texted me. Jack was ONE of my best friends as I had quite a few.

*hey Bella it's a nice day, do you and Joe wanna meet me at the park so we can get icecream?* it read

*sure jack! but it will just be me at first because joe has to edit his video so he can catch us up* I texted back, smiling.

*cool, meet me there at 9:15*

I quickly ran down the stairs back to Joe's room where he was still sleeping. I sighed, grabbing my wash bag which had my toiletries and makeup in. I made my way to the bathroom where I had a quick shower, got changed into a pair of denim shorts, a lacy, white crop top, a floral kimono cardigan and white converse, put my hair into two fishtails with my flower garland on top and applied a bit of makeup.

"Joe I'm going to meet Jack at the park, can you meet us there later?" I yelled from the bathroom.

"Yeah whatever" he replied. Joe had been acting weirdly lately. He had a lack of enthusiasm for things and I just didn't know why.

I grabbed my bag, put my purse and phone into it and made my way to the park.

*Jacks P.O.V*

I stood in the park, waiting for Bella, I had got myself a festival icecream and Bella a twister as I knew that was her favourite.

Dear Joe (a Joe Sugg story)Where stories live. Discover now