Shop 'Til You Drop!

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Melody 🎶

I opened my eyes and Bri was still knocked out. As soon as I went to get up something started dripping down my forehead. Then I looked down at the socks on my feet- wait I don't even sleep with socks. I took them off and my feet were pitch black.

"AHHHH!" I screamed. I jumped up and started stomping on the ground.

Bri sleepily sat up. "What the, what is this on my head?" She had syrup dripping from her forehead just like me. I looked on the back of her head and saw a roach.


She started violently screaming and I got up and ran because it's time to dip. I tried to run out of my room but it slammed and there were roaches all over the door.

"AHHHHHHHH OH MY GOSH" I continued to scream and fall back onto the floor and started crawling in panic.

Bri also screamed.

"HELP!" I yelled. Then I started hearing laughs coming from behind my door. Then Klondike and Ayo opened it still laughing.

Klondike tried to calm her laughing. "Got yo asses!" She continues to laugh and I sit there with my arms crossed and my eyebrows furrowed which just made her and Ayo laugh more.

"That's not cool" Bri gets up and takes the fake roach off of her hair.

"You should have seen your faves!" Ayo laughs.

A sleepy looking Teo comes to my doorway and screams.

"We just got him too!" Ayo and Klondike laugh again.

I go to Teos room and he's balled up on his bed.

"Teo they pranked me and Bri. The bugs are fake" I say which calms him down.

"Oh my gosh that is terrible" he gets up.

I furrow my eyebrows and look down at my feet. "My feet are black! And they put syrup, in. My. Hair! My hair!" I pace back and forth waiting for a response.

"Dang y'all are out bad"

"Shut up"

He scratches his nappy hair. "Anyway I'm gonna get dressed so bye."

He pushes me out and slams the door. I go back to my room. "HOW DO I FIX MY BLACK FEET!" I ask and Bri looks at them with black feet too.

"Just take a shower and it'll come right off relax" Ayo says.

"Shut up. This was not funny"

"It was just a prank dang"

I went and took my shower. When I got out Bri took hers.

"I feel like you didn't bring clothes on purpose" I say to Bri as she searches through my closet.

She laughs, "whatever"

She loves to come over here and steal my clothes. Then I go over to her house and take them back. Once we're both dress we go to the kitchen. As we eat the breakfast that Ayo cooked I FaceTime Khleo.

"Good morning beautiful" he stretches his arms.

"Good morning baby"

He chuckles then laughs.

"What?" I look around. "What's so funny?"

"Why are your teeth green?"


I run to the bathroom and look in the mirror. I gasp when I see that all of my teeth are green and Bri comes in with green teeth also.

"What is wrong with y'all!" I yell at Ayo and Klondike as I hear them laughs from the kitchen. Khleo laughs and me and Bri groan and brush our teeth.

It's been an hour and Khleo just got here. We hug and him and Bri greet each other also.

"Who's ready for the Mall!" Khleos mom comes through the door.

"Cool we wanna come too" Klondike says. Ayo and Teo agree to come also. We get in Khleos mother's van and drive all the way to Lenox.

We get there and start at the adidas store.

"Me you and Bri should wear adidas the first day of school" Keon suggested.

"Yes!" I say and go over to the pants. I see the white adidas pants with pink stripes. "Bri lets get these"

We both pick up the pants in our sizes and get the matching jackets. Khleo got white pants too, but with blue stripes. We went over to Teo and he was looking at the shoes.

Once everybody got what they wanted, Khleos mom paid for me Khleos, and Bri's stuff and we left. Then we went to Macy's. We got mostly accessories from there and then we went to other clothing stores.

"We boutta be looking cute!" I say picking up a pair of white jeans with rips. Bri found pants with words sewed into them and we got matching ones.

"Khleo, We're gonna turn you into a big boy" Ayo puts his hand on Khleo's shoulder. Khleo looks a little weirded out.

"What? What are y'all gonna do to my baby!" Khleos mom came rushing over to us.

Ayo and Teo started laughing. "Relax we're just gonna take him to the stores me and Ayo shop in" Teo reassured.

"Yeah So y'all girls can go to Victoria's Secret or whatever while we turn Khleo into the man he's about to become" Ayo and Teo started walking away from us and they took Khleo with them.

"Wow," Bri said. "They were really serious."

We did what Ayo said and went to Victoria's Secret Pink. I got some new pink hoodies and a book bag. I also got some waist pouches and lipgloss.

"Y'all gone be bad this year in high school" Klondike said watching us shop.

"Yup. Y'all already know what's going on" I say and we laugh.

I think high school is gonna be the best years of my life.

I'm Not A Baby Anymore! (Ayo&Teo)Where stories live. Discover now