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Melody 🎶

It is five o'clock in the afternoon and Brianna is on her way over so we can go to cheerleading tryouts together. Yup cheerleading tryouts is today so you know what that means.. OFFICIALLY ONE MORE WEEK UNTIL SCHOOL STARTS!

Right now I'm in the living room putting on my shoes and Klondike walks over. "Good luck at tryouts"

"Thank you!" I tie my shoes and then there is a knock on the door. Perfect timing! I open the door and as I expected, Brianna is there.

I open my arms for my hug. "BESTFRIEND"

She opens her arms too. "BESTFRIENDDDDDDDDDD"


We laugh and then let go. "Hey Bri!" Klondike walks over and hugs her and Rambo and Benji start to bark and jump on Brianna.

I smile as I watch her pet them. "Aweee look at Benji and Rambo. Or does it sound better as Rambo and Benji? Yeah I think Rambo and Benji is better"

"That's a great observation" Brianna says sarcastically.

I playfully roll my eyes. "Whatever"

Ayo goes into the kitchen. "What's uo Bri, y'all finna leave?"

I grab me and Bri some Dasani water bottles. "Yeah" only real water drinkers know that all water tastes different!

I close the refrigerator and Bri grabs my arm. "Our Uber is outside lets go"

I head out the door. "Bye y'all"

They say bye and we walk out of our apartment and take the elevator down the stairs to the lobby and out the door. It took us about twenty minutes to get to the school and there were cars parked in front and signs showing us where to go in at.

I look over at Bri as we stand outside. "Nervous?"

"Little bit."

"Don't be." We smile at each other and walk in.

Tryouts went great! Usually they are two days, but here it was only one. We got in the Uber and ordered Uber eats to get to the apartment the same time we are.

"I know we're gonna make it, the coaches loved us" Brianna said.

"I know but we weren't the only good ones" there was some pretty good girls with amazing talent.


We got back to the apartment, and we got our McDonald's and we headed the elevator.

"We're back!" Brianna gave everyone a warm welcome as Rambo and Benji came running towards us jumping and wagging their tails.

"How did it go?" Teo asked.

"It went great!" Me and Brianna said in unison.

"Well dang, say less."

Klondike came and picked up Rambo. "You know, I was a cheerleader too."

I looked up, "really?"

"Yeah, in middle school. But I decided to stop in high school" she replied.

I nodded.

"I just love how you guys didn't get us any McDonald's" Ayo said looking hurt.

Brianna laughed. "Sorry"

We sat and ate our food and I just felt really hype.

Brianna 💋

Melody is the true definition of crazy. She was just literally bouncing off the walls and now she's sleep. I shook my head and chuckled, "my bestie is a trip."

Klondike laughed, "She sure is." Melody started to wake up. She was sleeping on the ground by the way.

"What did I do?" Melody asked looking around.

I just rolled my eyes and went and sat on the couch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2018 ⏰

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