Chapter 1: The Beginning

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My mistake
Chapter 1

All stories start with beginnings right. Well that's how this story is going to start out. But it won't be as happy ever after and perfect as you think it would be.

​It was my first day in New York City. The lights and scenery felt so inspiring to me. I being a photographer, New York was perfect for a job. Not to brag but I was doing well in the business.

Once in a while I would do photoshoots for big time movie actresses. But today I was doing a photoshoot with a band called Why Don't We. I've heard of their song before and instantly feel in love with Zach Herron. Even though we have never met he was still drop dead gorgeous. Today was the day I finally got to meet them.

IN the studio: I saw 5 guys walk in that proper introduced them self's.

"Hey I'm Jonah"

"I'm Jack"

"I'm Corbyn"

"I'm Daniel"

"and I'm Zach."

"And together were Why Don't We" they all said in unison.

I laughed as they all giggled around. God Zach's smile was probably the best.

"Ha-ha, I'm Sydney."

"Hey" they all said.

As they all looked for stylish clothes to wear for the shoot I helped them out.

"Man this would look so good on me" Corbyn said holding up a polka dotted suit.

We all laughed. Jonah kept on staring at me and every time I looked his way he blushed. I kind of figured he thought I was cute. I suggested that they all wear black suits. When they all got changed they looked even better. I was speechless.

"Sydney, whatcha think." Zach said with his adorable smile.

"Amazing as always" I said with an even bigger one.

Zach's face went red when he notice that I was blushing. Zach thought I was cute as well. Or at least I was hoping he was.

The rest of the day we all hang out and did the shoot. Jonah was especially trying to get to know me more. It was fun hanging out with him. He always gave me smiles and winks sometimes when he was saying a joke. I thought it was cute.

Later that week: Jonah invited me to one of their concerts to get 'good pictures' but I knew he just wanted to see me again. When I showed up, the concert started and they began singing. When they sang just to see you smile Jonah looked me in my eyes and held my hand from the stage. All the girls that were in Jonah's lane were all jealous of course. Jonah couldn't keep his eyes off of me, it was kind of cute.

When it was the after party I ran up to Jonah giving him a hug.

"Sydney!" He said.

He hugged me back.

"Hey!" they all said to me.

Zach looked a little jealous when he didn't get a hug. It was a pretty fun night. Jonah and I couldn't stop texting each other and facetiming ever since that night.

3 months past when I got a call from Jonah.

"Meet me at the beach and come alone" He hang up the call and with that being said I went to the beach, I was cold so I brought a jacket which didn't do much for me.

When I saw Jonah I ran up to him giving him a hug. He turned around and told me we had to talk so I sat right next to him.

"So Sydney, I think you're extremely cute and beautiful. So can I finally call you mine?" Jonah said with stars in his eyes.

I looked at him completely speech less. Of course I was flattered but he wasn't the one I liked.

"Um Jonah.......... TO BE CONTINTUED.

Ahhhhhh! I thought I would write a fanfic... hope you enjoy read this
Snapchat: marieb817
Main instagram: m_bosey
Fan account: portlandseaveywdw
K byeeeeeee ~M💜🍉

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