Part 11

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I woke up to the sound of throwing up and so I got up and only had a bra and booty shorts on and so when I walked out of my room I could see Anthony's door open and Rocky was just sitting on the bed and Anthony was puking and she didn't even care.
M- Anthony are you okay?
I said running into his bathroom. He just kept on puking.
R- Mia, my boyfriend is fine you can leave
M- oh ya he's fine, he's just puking right now and your just sitting there like nothing is happening.
R- whatever I'm leaving.
She got up and left. I was rubbing Anthony's back while he was puking and he finally stopped and sat against the wall
A- thank you Mia
M- it's okay but what's wrong
A- idk but I need to wash my bed sheets
M- here I can do that you just go and lay down in my room and I'll bring up soap
A- no it's fine I can do it
He said getting up
M- no your going to go to my room and lay down
A- ok
He then left and I took his sheets and started washing them and then made soup and brought it up to him but he was sleeping so I woke him up.
M- Anthony wake up, Anthony
I said playing with his hair
A- hm
M- eat this soup and then you can go back to bed
A- ok
He then started to eat and then he was done
A- I'm going back to bed
M- ok
I said standing up to leave him alone
A- where r u going, stay
M- are you sure
A- yes
He then patted the spot next to him and then he put his head on my stomach. He then fell asleep and I soon fell asleep too. I woke up because I heard yelling.
R- why the hell is anthony in your bed
M- because he fell asleep
I whispered because he was sleeping
R- why did he fall asleep then
She said yelling
M- because you left him when he was sick so he stayed in my room now can you whisper because Anthony is asleep
A- not anymore
M- sorry
He then got up and said thank you and I said to go get some rest and then left. i went downstairs to get Anthony's bed sheets and I walked up to his room and no one was there so I went up to  his room and no one was there so I started making his bed and then Anthony walked in and he looked worse than before. I then walked up to him and started touching is forehead and it was hot.
A- I don't feel good
I new he was in pain because he started crying
M- here
I then pulled him in a hug 
M- anthony listen to me, what's wrong
A- my head, stomach, hurts and then I have pain on my side. I think it's back
He then started crying even more. He said I think it's back but what does that mean
M- what do u mean do we need to go to the hospital
That's when he shook his head yes
M- then let's start walking Downstairs to get everyone
We then got down to everyone and he was crying in my shoulder still so everyone was looking at us.
C- bro what happened
M- we need to get to the hospital now explain later but I need 4 people who can come and the rest can visit tomorrow
C- ok me jake Erika and Alex
M- ok then let's go
We then started walking to the van and Chance and Alex sat in back and Anthony started crying a lot again and he was shaking and probably couldn't breathe and I looked at Chance and he looked at me and then he put his hands in his face
M- Anthony you need to calm down, just calm down ok we're all worried and if you keep crying like this then your going to get worse
I said whispering he then calmed down then we finally got to the hospital
M- ok Anthony were here you need to get out
I couldn't get him out I called Jake
M- Jake can you help me out
J- ya here
He grabbed Anthony slowly and was holding him up and then Chance got out and walked up to him and they both were helping him
M- guys I'm going to go tell them we're coming in so we don't have to wait so long
I then started running in and I told them there's something wrong with my friend he's coming in and I need a wheel chair ready. She then got me a wheel chair and so I was waiting and they finally can in I ran to them and they set Anthony in it and I rolled him up to the counter and I told the others to go sit and then girl said he needs to tell her what's wrong. He didn't say anything so I knelt down to him
M- Anthony you have to tell her what's wrong, it's going to be okay after you tell her
A- ok, I need a new kidney again
And when he said kidney again he looked at me and then looked away
Girl- ok let me go get the doctor you guys can fill this out
She handed me a paper and a pen. I rolled him to the spot with the others and then they said hey we're going to go get food so then they left
M- I'll fill this out
He just nodded and so I filled out what I could which was most of it. I then got done and gave the girl this and then the doctor walked us to a room and we got there and the doctor put him up in the bed
D- hi guys I'm Dr. Smith and so we need to bring him up to get an ex ray to see if it really is what he said
M- can I come with
D- ya but you have to stay in the room I'll be in
M- ok
He then started rolling him in the hallway and I was walking next to Anthony when he put us hand out for me to hold and I held it because I'm guessing he was scared
M- hey Anthony it will be ok, I'm going to be right there and I'll be right there when you get done. I love you best friend
I then walked into the room and I was watching the doctor set Anthony up and then the doctor walked in and started
M- can he hear us
D- not now
M- ok is he going to be okay
D- I'm hoping after we find out what it is then he will be ok
I just nodded because I can not lose him
We then got done and we went back to the room and the others were there and the doctor left to go get the x-ray and then he came back
D- I'm really sorry for you guys to hear this but Anthony has ...


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