Part 46

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I woke up in pain from the tattoos so I got dressed in this

I straighten my hair and today me, Alex, Anthony and Rocky and maybe Chance have to go to party city and other stores for baby shower stuff

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I straighten my hair and today me, Alex, Anthony and Rocky and maybe Chance have to go to party city and other stores for baby shower stuff. So I went downstairs I put my ice pack back in the freezer and I ate breakfast and I went to chances room. I walked in and Alex and chance were sleeping.
M- wake up guys
They woke up
M- I need to show you something
C- what
M- when I left yesterday I went to get tattoos and I want to show you them.
Al- ok
M- ok the first one is this
I pulled up my shirt and they could see the three names and death dates
C- I like that
Al- ya same
M- then the last one is one one my thigh I don't know if I like it right now but maybe I need more peoples advice
I pulled my shorts up a bit and they could see my thigh tattoo
C- I like that one
Al- ya because like Damon hurt you, your family died and Anthony is with Rocky so that hurt you
Al- I shouldn't of said that I'm sorry
M- no, no your right. That is exactly why I got it. Well I'm going to go but don't tell anyone I got tattoos
C- your going to need to tell them pretty soon
M- ya I know but I just don't know
I then left and we all went downstairs where Rocky, Anthony, Chance, Alex, and me are.
M- when do you guys want to leave
R- now because I'm going to go hang out with my girls today
We then left and we went in my car and I was driving  Anthony was in front and the three in the back. I sat in the drivers seat
M- omg that hurt so bad
A- what
R- she's probably to big to fit behind the wheel
M- what ever let's go
I started driving and Anthony kept looking at me
M- can you please stop looking at me
R- ya you shouldn't look at someone so ugly
I then pulled the car over and turned around
M- shut the fuck up
R- last time I checked you weren't the boss of me
M- last time I checked this wasn't your car. So do you wanna walk
She didn't say anything so I said that's what I thought and started driving again. We soon got to party city. I got out first and walked in and everyone was behind me and I was walking fast because I wanted to get everything and get out. Rocky and Anthony don't know what there having so I grabbed stuff
1 hour later
We got done and we were paying and we were walking and I was ahead and Rocky came up to me and started yelling
R- your a slut you know that right
M- says you
She then pushed me and I went up to her face and started yelling at her
M- Anthony really doesn't deserve you maybe you should go back to the guy in Mexico
All of a sudden Chance picked me up and brought me to my car and sat me down.
C- what happened
M- she pushed me and said I was a slut and I said says you and then she pushed me and I started yelling at her and said Anthony doesn't deserve her.
C- next time don't do that
M- I had too
I started crying he was hugging me and then Anthony came over and started yelling
A- Mia don't tell Rocky she isn't worth anything because she is worth more than you
When he said that it broke my heart to know he thinks that.
C- guys let's just all go home
I got in the drivers seat and started driving and Alex was in the front. I was crying still but I could see. We then got home and I got out quick and went to the kitchen and grabbed an ice pack and everyone got inside and they saw me walk upstairs to my room with an ice pack.
2hours later
I was still in my room when someone knocked
M- who is it
E- Erika
She then came in
E- what happened today at the store
M- I was walking to the car and Rocky came up to me and said I was a slut and I said says you and then she pushed me and I said Anthony didn't deserve her and then Chance came and picked me up and brought me to the car and I was crying and then Anthony started yelling at me that i can't call Rocky not worth anything because she is worth more than you
E- but you didn't say that to her did you
M- no I never said that to her
E- you just have to tell him
M- he's not going to believe me
E- well Rocky left so it's your chance
She left and I just went on my phone

It was 9 and I decided to go to Anthony's room. Hopefully he believes me. I walked in to his room and the lights were off so I'm guessing he was trying to sleep
M- Anthony
A- hm
M- I just need to tell you that I never said Rocky wasn't worth anything
I was tearing up
A- ok
M- that's all you have to say
A- yep
M- and did you really mean Rocky was worth more than me.
A- well I mean she is my girlfriend
M- and I'm your best friend still I think
A- I don't think we should be friends right now. I mean you did call Rocky not worth anything so
M- ok
I left and went to my room crying. I texted Alex
Mia- tomorrow you can just set up the baby shower because I'm not going to anymore
Alex- what why
Mia- me and Anthony aren't friends anymore
Alex- no
Mia- ya I know but tell you more tomorrow

I then stopped texting and went on twitter and tweeted
"She's so scared to get close to anyone because everyone that ever said I'll be there left.🥀
I then went to bed
Authors Note

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