thirty six

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August 1, 2017 ; Los Angelos, California

"Knock, knock."

The door to my room opens slowly, a figure hovering in the hall.

"What's up?" I ask, running a hand through my knotted hair.

"Well, the girls basically reserved you for the past five days. I'm here to take you out."

"Marais, I—"

Jonah glares at my retaliations, putting a hand up to shut me up, "No excuses. Be ready in an hour."

"Wow, how kind of you to give me an hour to get ready. Don't expect much," I respond sarcastically, and he responds with a smile and a roll of his eyes.

"As if I it was for you. I actually have to meet with the boys and the crew quickly."

"Sure, I'll believe that," I shoo him off, "Now, go."

Jonah shrugs before heading down the hall again to I'm assuming the living room, but just as he's about to leave, he stops.

"Hey, Delaney. A dress would be nice."

I glare at him, and he laughs out loud, "In your dreams, Marias, in your dreams."

. . .

"So Jonah Marais is taking you out, and you aren't going to wear a dress?" Evelyn asks, her eyes glued to a magazine, "Tough luck for Jonah."

"Shut up," I say to her while trying to decide what top to wear.

Nova, who's perched on my bed beside Evelyn, points at a nearby top, directing my attention to the gray shirt.

"I know. I mean you'd think she'd dress up for her first date with her future boyfriend."

I glare at Nova, who's smirking blatantly.

"I know right," Evelyn looks up from her magazine, "Regardless, Jonah will still think she's stunning."

I feel my face fluster as I turn to the nearest mirror, trying to decide how to do my hair.

"Shut up, you guys."

"You know something's up with River's only come back is 'shut up,'" Nova nudges Evelyn.

"Jonah and I would never happen. He's Jonah for heaven's sake. There are so many girls who would kill to date him," I respond flippantly, trying to brush off their teasing comments, but the idea that I'm going to be spending tonight with him alone continues to make my heart speed up.

"Lucky for you," Evelyn responds to me, "He only has eyes for you."

"He doesn't," I deadpan, "I'd be a fool to think Jonah Marais actually likes me."

Evelyn and Nova catch onto my apprehension, confirming their theory that I like the band member. Smiling uneasily, I turn away, avoiding their gaze.

When I first met Jonah, he was easy to talk to and easy to get along with. When the Gemma incident happened, it connected me with him, more than I'd connected with any other boy. I began looking forward to his daily texts, sharing stories and genuinely caring about how I'm doing. It always felt as if we could text for forever without running out of things to say. Seeing Jonah in person again validated the feelings I was trying to hide.

"Did you notice how, no matter who else in the room, he'll still glance at her every minute?" Nova turns to Evelyn.

"Yes, and he'll check that she's okay constantly. Not to mention, as soon as she arrived, it was obvious he wanted to spend every moment by her side," She immediately responds.

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