forty five

838 25 18

February 23, 2018 ; Vancouver, Washington

The drapes are open, letting in the dull, remaining light of the rainy day. Outside, the temperature has dropped rapidly since the sun dipped behind the horizon, leaving the sky with a bleak coloring.

I find Ev on the couch, her breath gentle and soft. An array of schoolwork covers the nearby kitchen table, and it's easy to see that she'd fallen asleep on a study break. Even on a Friday afternoon, she insisted on beginning her work for the weekend, especially since she knew I'd be coming home today.

Ev stirs when I try to sit down on the couch beside her. As I lean back, a mumble of words escape her lips, and I lean closer, smelling the peppermint from her favorite gum.

"Daniel?" she asks sleepily, her eyes still closed.

"Good morning, Ev," I respond jokingly, and her eyes flutter open at my voice.

"Oh no." Her hand flies to her mouth when she sees me beside her. "I fell asleep and didn't wake up to go to the airport."

At this, I laugh. "Anna figured you were asleep when she called and you didn't pick up your phone."

A blush flushes through Ev's face. Six months into our relationship and 18 years into our friendship and she still blushes when she messes up. I can't help but laugh lightly.

"I am so sorry. I just cannot believe I fell asleep."

"Hey, hey, hey, it's all okay. I'm glad that you're resting."

She leans into me as I wrap two arms around her torso and pull her closer.

"I'm glad you're home," she whispers.

I kiss her forehead. "I am too."

. . .

February 24, 2018 ; Cannon Beach, Oregon

Daniel drums his fingers lightly against the steering wheel, humming along to the radio. Greenery whips past my window, and I can't help but smile. Daniel insisted that he take me to my favorite beach along the coast. Even in fifty degree weather, I can't wait to walk down the empty sidewalks.

"I promised you this trip three years ago," he suddenly comments.

"You remember that?" I ask, suddenly embarrassed.

"Of course. You wouldn't stop talking about going back, so I promised you I'd take you back."

I laugh. "That was the day I tripped and fell in front of my history class. I always thought your promise was out of pity for my embarrassment."


The town is empty. A few families mill around, ducking in and out of the candy and souvenir shops. As the door opens, a wave of salty water hits me, and I grin. When I meet Daniel on the sidewalk, he's eyeing the nearby, low-hanging clouds.

"C'mon." He takes me hand. "Let's make this worth it."

We spend the short amount of daylight walking along the beach. The air is cold and whips at our faces, and the water that washes over our feet is icy, but I couldn't ask for a better day.

Daniel tugs me away from the water, pulling me into his arms. With the impending rain, the sky has darkened to a gray.

"Hi," he says with smile.

"Hi," I respond with a giggle as Daniel kisses my forehead gently.

A piece of cold drops down on my elbow, and we both look up to the sky. Inevitably, the rain has begun. I sigh, sad that the day has ended.

The rain hits the waves hard, turning the ocean into a beautiful disaster. The ocean water churns, washing in and out of the shore. We stand in a comfortable silence as the rain begins to fall rapidly on us. When a clap of thunder rolls nearby, Daniel jumps.

"We should probably find shelter," I say, and wee start running toward the closest exit hand in hand.

My feet hit the pavement hard, my sandals slapping against the wet pavement. The roar of the rain is so loud that I can barely hear Daniel's voice.

When we make it to our car, the roads are deserted. We stop, out of breath, on the sidewalk when another roll of thunder fills the air, followed by a sharp bolt of lightening. Daniel laughs, even though the torrential weather ruined our special day. His lips find mine gently, and even in the the wind and the rain, a warmth fills me.

When he finally pulls away, three words escape from my mouth too quickly. "I love you."

Daniel freezes, his eyes softening as he pulls me closer. "I love you so much more," he whispers to me before pressing his lips against mine again.

The End

Hi, loves!

I feel as if this book has reached a point of completion. I haven't had inspiration for a long while, so while I'd planned a few more chapters and an epilogue, I've decided to bring this story to a close. I apologize to anyone who may be disappointed, but I really do hope you've enjoyed reading anyway.

Regardless, thank you to everyone who has read and supported my writing. I cannot express my gratitude enough; for so long, you have been my inspiration to continue writing. Thank you, again.

Best wishes,

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