Here it goes....

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February 18, 2003


A name I hear too frequently these days.

It's only been a year.

But it feels like forever.

I know you're in a better place, however.

That you didn't think about me when you left.

That we'd only been dating for about three weeks.

I have a feeling I knew what you were thinking about, though.

All the pressure of being friends with werewolves.

You probably didn't think I knew about the cuts up your sleeve.

Or how you stopped wearing your perky makeup.

Or how you went from a spunky, fashion-forward girl, to a depressed, down-in-the-dumps shadow.

How sitting in the corner made you happy.

Anyway, I still love you.

Happy one year anniversary in Heaven.



February 20, 2003


Oh, I love the way that rolls off my tongue.

Oh, how I miss you.

I wish you were still in my arms.

All my life, I've wanted to be with you.

And I finally got the chance.

Until you were tired of me.

That's why you did it.

You didn't like me the way I liked you.

I suppose I was just some little fling.

But you were more to me than that.

You were destined to be my soulmate.

My one true love.

The shoulder I could always lean on.

The person who's house I could always come to.

But that ended.


All in the blink of an eye.

Why you would do this?

I don't know.

But honestly, I think it's because of me.

Oh, well.

I still love you, though.



February 18, 2003


Baby, I can't take this anymore.

All this hate for ditching Jackson to be with you.

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