Tenth Email to Dr. Julia

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Happy Sunday!

Well kind of, anyway, I woke up this morning in pain. I got up and going to the bathroom was it's own kind of hell. I looked into the Mirror after washing my hands and let out this monstrous scream. I was covered in bruises from head to toe. I looked like a zombie or something dead like. My dad came running in saying, "what's wrong baby?" I starting sobbing and he held me. "Hey, it's gonna be all right your supposed to look and feel back to normal by Friday girly", he told me. "How am I gonna go to school this week, I'm supposed to be running for Queen", I cried. "You are already the Queen, beautiful", he stated. "Not looking like this I'm not", I replied. He just rolled his eyes.

My mom came in after I was out of the shower, which was also miserable. She told me if I wasn't up to Mass I didn't have to go, which never happens. Usually, you go no matter what, like my brother Finn was having diarrhea and my mom thought he was joking, so after the third time he went to the bathroom at church my mom stopped him from going, he shit himself in church like a half hour in. It smelled so bad that my dad took him home and came back for the rest of us. That was six years ago now and since then if you are either having diarrhea or vomiting you can stay home. However, my brother had his wisdom teeth removed on Holy Thursday, he still had to go to Good Friday Service. Honestly, I think she didn't want people to see me all bruised up.

I got back into bed and looked at my phone I had so many messages through social media and texting. Kyle called me to see if I wanted any visitors, I messaged him back that I'm too sore to move from my bed and it's hard to talk. Of course, Nichole, Trisha, and Melody said they stop by later to which I replied I'm spending time with family #suday. Cliff's parents wanted to come by, his mom called me. I called her back forgetting they were probably in church, but left a message saying maybe tomorrow for dinner since my older brothers are getting in today. With everyone messaging, wanting to talk, and/or hang out I was still sad for two reasons. One, I didn't want anyone to see me like this, I don't even want to be apart of homecoming court when looking like this. Second, no messages from Trey, since like 8pm last night when I texted something about laying down for the night.

I texted him Good Morning to my hero, around like 10am, around noon when everyone was at my house, my parents and three brothers, plus one fiance and one girlfriend. My oldest brothers are twins 25 years old. Finn is in Medical School at Michigan for Oncology, especially Pediatric leukemia. His fiance is Charlie and they met at a mixer their first year of undergraduate at Marquette University. 

Fritze is the younger of the two of them by an hour do to his weird position in the womb. He's at
Michigan State for Biomedical Engineering. His girlfriend is Kaylee, they were friends since senior year of high school, they worked together at Humane Society, found out they were going to the same college, stayed friends until a year ago when she got really drunk at a party and called him to confess her love. He ended up getting her from the party and taking her back to his place to keep an eye on her. The next morning she was so confused and embarrassed especially when he told her how she told him that she said I wanna have your baby, so fuck me. They have been dating every since.

You have already heard who Erik somewhat. He's in his last year of his undergraduate at Case Western Reserve University studying Literature and Criminal Justice. He got into Georgetown for Law School. He has a girlfriend her name is Hanna, she is studying social work at Social Work at Kent State. They met at a bar in Cleveland, Ohio for St. Patrick's day last this year. It kinda was a drinking thing but when he woke up and realized she was gorgeous instead of being an asshole he made her breakfast. However, her midterms are this week so she couldn't come up.

My mom, Charlie, and Kaylee were all in the kitchen finishing up brunch when I came down stairs. I helped them set the table after giving them all hugs. When we called the guys to the table Fritze of course said " Why the fuck aren't you pressing charges against these motherfuckers?" "Language", my mother said. "Well, if they press charges against my friends then I will, but they were pretty pumbled themselves", I told him. "That doesn't mean I don't want to kick their ass", Finn said. "Thanks", I responded. "Can we say Grace I'm starving, we can push her for names one I have a full tummy, cause you will tell us who did this so we can destroy them", Erik expressed. We all were laughing at his gestures; Erik talks with his hands a lot.

As we were about to pray the door bell rang. "Are we expecting anyone else", my mom asked looking at me. "No, I pretty much told everyone I'm spending my time with you guys so," I responded. "I'll get the door", my dad announced while getting up. "Oh, well, good morning, nice to see you again, come in I bet Gret would be happy to see you", my dad said. At this moment I had no idea who it was I couldn't even hear the person talking to my dad, I could hear my dad ask if they were hungry while walking in the dining room. I turned around to see who it was because where I was sitting they were behind me. My brothers were on one side of the table while I was on the other with their girlfriends. It was Trey with two sets of flowers. "Boys this is the guy you can ask all your questions too," my dad stated while patting Bufford on the back.

Erik moved down and had Trey sit across from me instead. The flowers were for my mom and me.  When he handed them to us. He looked at my brothers girls and said if I knew there were gonna be more women here I would have brought more. After sitting down we finally prayed and started passing food around. "So no one introduced you, who the hell are you", Finn said. "Language, come on boys, girls please tell me they don't talk like this in front of your families", my mom mentioned. We laughed at her dramatic problems. "Sorry brother, I'm Trey, I go to school at St. Joes CCHS with your sister, I'm taking her to Homecoming", Tremaine explained. "Your not gonna try to hit it now that she's vulnerable, because we will kill you," Fritze questioned. "What the hell Fritze, your sick", I commented. "What, guys do that, they prey on girls when they are down," Finn replies. " I'm a respectable guy, for the most part. Plus, we are just friends", Trey told them. "So was Cliff, then he saw her at homecoming and couldn't resist her, that's how she always got more lunch money than us as kids", Erik expressed to him. "I think all women hold that power", my dad chimed in. My mom gave him this look, "see her mom is doing it right now", my dad stated. We all laughed.

After dinner we were all chilling in the living room when Fritze mentioned "we never talked about what happened at brunch." We didn't talk about it at all like in the hospital yesterday we pretty much avioded it and found other topics to talk about. It Trey looked at me, before saying "do you wanna start or me." I started the narrative and he took over. I could see my brothers getting angrier as the story progressed. " The doctors said if Trey didn't see this going on even a minute later she could have several broken bones", my mom chimed in at the end. Everyone looked grateful for Bufford and he looked happy being here.

After listening to the recount and talking to everyone for another half hour I felt very weak, so I dismissed myself and went to write you this. I am now gonna lay down.

Have a good rest of your day,


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