Chapter Three

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Hell must have frozen over because my mum and sister were at my house yet again. It was weird seeing my mum twice in one week but at the same time, it gave me hope that maybe things could possibly go back to the way that it was before. As much as I was still a little bitter about the whole ordeal, she was still my mum and I missed her.

"Why is that boy in your house so early?" she asked in Yoruba from where she was seated at my dining table behind me, referring to Remi who she heard upstairs in the shower.

I had woken up about an hour ago deciding to clean my house again because I didn't trust Remy's judgement, when her and Alani randomly arrived at my doorstep. Still in my pyjamas and with my headscarf securing my braids in a high bun, I glanced at her and continued to wipe down my black marble counters. My mum had never liked any male friends that I've had in my life, having this mindset that boys and girls couldn't just be friends. She despised Xavier when we were going out because he wasn't from an African origin, yet she claimed to not be discriminative.

I faced forward so she wouldn't see me roll my eyes. "He's helping out with King. I told you already," I said, using her nickname for Zay.

"So that means he must sleep here?"

"Yes mum, I leave early sometimes so it's just easier this way."

"Where does he sleep?"

"In King's room," I lied. There wasn't even a bed in there...

It was silent so I took that as her nodding. I continued to wipe the surfaces occasionally catching alcohol spills that had been missed or food stains. Alani walked back into the room after using the toilet, glued to her phone. She then lifted it up smiling at her phone camera.

"Came to see my sister guys. Say hi..." She came over to me and held it above both of us. I smiled widely at the camera. "My babes. Look how beautiful she is," she commented staring at the both of us through the phone and making me blush before the full circle finished.

We both watched it back, "Aw, that's cute. Even though I have no makeup on and I'm still in my headscarf." I cringed going back to cleaning.

"You still look good," she muttered as she uploaded it.

"What's that?" My mum tried to get herself involved.

"Snapchat. Some video app thing," Lani explained.

She made an uninterested sound before returning back to the TV.

"The peng ting asked me to call you by the way," Lani said to me, continuing to type on her forever vibrating phone.

She had always been popular and I knew she was popular in her college; very different to what I had been. She was pretty, smart and very confident within herself. It was inspiring to watch, but I occasionally had to knock her down a peg so she wouldn't become a complete bitch at times.

I laughed at her reference to Remy before leaving my cleaning cloth and walking out of the kitchen. I jogged up my stairs and walked into my room to see him dressing. "Yeah?"

"Is it just your sister here or is your mum here as well?" he asked as he brushed down his waves.

"My mum's here. Make sure you say hello to her when you come down."

I glanced over to my bed to see that Zay was still asleep. Remy kissed his teeth and sighed, taking a seat on the edge of my bed, putting on his socks.

"That woman loves to chat shit," he said. I remained silent not liking how he was talking about my mother, but still agreeing with him slyly. "Oh yeah, apparently something has come up so you won't see me for like a week," he added, as he picked up his phone which had  just vibrated.

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