In honor of Stella

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My Dog, Stella, has Glaucoma. It's a common disease among humans. It starts when to much fluid is retained in an eye. It ends when you get surgery, remove the eye, or get the pressure to go down. Right now, My dog is battling Glaucoma. She lost one eye to it already.

A dog's eye pressure when normal should be below 25. In her first eye, which she lost, her eye pressure was 78. She was in so much pain that she needed to be attached to an IV.

Some dogs are blind and have no problems. My dog is very spastic. Her life style wouldn't be easily lived with no sight. It also doesn't help that she's only 4.

Now her one good eye is at 38. It's a hazy blue, which isn't good.

It honestly sucks. We might need to put her down. I hate this, every breathing moment she is in pain. I love my dog. She is always happy, even when she is in so much pain.

A lot of dogs, when they are in pain, like giving birth or dying, snap at their owners. They'll bite them or bark at them. But, humans understand because their in pain, or trying to protect their pups. My dog won't even snap at us. She's never bit anyone, and besides licking, refuses to put her mouth on anyone. Even when she's in pain, she sees our tears and cuddles close and licks our hand so we know she's there.

If you've lost a pet- a pet that you love like your family- you'll understand.

In all honesty, I don't know why I wrote this. It maybe for Glaucoma awareness, boredom, or prayer.

If your Christian, please keep her and my family in your prayers.

If you experience similar issues with pet or family, please get to a vet or doctor. If your dog has hazy blue in their eye, shaking, not opening their eye, and staying in dark places, I would get them to the vet as soon as possible. If you can get to it early enough you can treat it with eye drops.

Lastly, If you were bored, I hope you learned something. I have.

Dedicated to the best dog ever, she will always be my best friend. Keep partying with Jesus!

In honor of StellaWhere stories live. Discover now