12. Deal done.

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Urvashi's POV-

"So..... when are we meeting next?" Abhay asked me, playing with my thumb.

Yes, our fingers were still intertwined and I loved the feeling.

"Tomorrow?" I chuckled. He smiled at my answer.

"I got you something!" I said, all of a sudden.

"What is it?" He laughed, seeing me all excited.

"Give me your hand."



I put the bracelet which I got for him on his hand. He eyed the bracelet carefully. It had his zodiac sign on it.

"This is beautiful. Thank you!" He hugged me. I smiled and hugged him back. We pulled away after a few seconds and continued walking.

"I'll miss you." He said looking at me.

"Awwww." I poked his cheeks.

"I'm serious okay." He laughed.

"I'll miss you too." I nudged him.

We had a round of comfortable silence. I was debating on whether to tell him that I like him or no.

Urvashi, listen, this is the first time you've fallen in love. Take the risk. Tell him how you feel. He might like you back, I mean why would he hold your hand, or kiss your forehead, or something that cute, if he didn't have feelings for you. Right? So, go on, take the risk.

"Abhay...uh... I want to tell you something." I looked everywhere except him.

"What is it?" He asked looking at me.

Okay, this is so difficult.

"Uh.... we're home." I told him, pointing at the house.

He looked at me for a minute but then looked down and nodded his head.

Everyone were asleep, so we walked quietly to our rooms. Abhay decided to drop me off to my room.

"Today was fun. Thanks." I said, leaning my back on the door.

"Only thanks?" He smirked.

"Yeah?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Token of thanks toh de." He smirked again.

"And what according to you is your 'token of thanks?" I asked him, air quoting his words.

"One hug will do." He smiled, shrugging his shoulders.

I smiled at what he said before hugging him.

His hands slid over my waist and his touch was magical. GOD, THAT WAS SO CLICHÉ. But, I guess, that's what love makes you do.

"What're you thinking?" I asked Abhay, whose face was nuzzled in my neck and his hands holding my waist tightly.

"That how much I'll miss you." He whispered, placing a quick peck on my neck.

OH MY GOD. I JUST DIED. That felt so nice. I can't even explain! Ughhhh!

I slowly pulled away but something stopped me. No, no, it was not my inner self, it was the pendant had Abhay bought for me.

"Seems like even these want us to stay together." Abhay said, pointing at our entangled chains. I blushed profusely at his comment.

He looked into my eyes and then at my lips


He quietly and very slowly, pulled away his chain, while still looking into my eyes.

I didn't look away. Infact, I looked back into his eyes.



"I think, I've fallen in love with you." Saying so, I closed my eyes.

Oh my god. I finally told him. I can't believe this.

I slowly opened my eyes to look at him.

He was...... SMILING?!?


He bit his lip and leaned in.


Does he feel the same way for me?

I closed my eyes and stood still, not knowing what to do. His lips slowly captured mine in a slow and passionate kiss. Our lips moved in sync like they were just made for each other.

Abhishek Sharma is my first kiss, ladies and gentlemen.

We slowly pulled away and rested our forehead against each other's. My eyes were still closed.

He kissed my right cheek and pulled away, whispering a 'Good night'.

When I was sure he walked into his room, I opened my eyes.

I touched my lips, unknowingly smiling.

With a huge grin plastered on my face, I walked into the room, changed into my pjs and a tshirt before falling on to the bed. I hugged my pillow tightly with a huge smile on my face.

Isn't it funny? 2 weeks back I used to hate the word 'love'. And now! Now, I'm madly in love with Abhay. I guess, god has his own way of making people believe in things they don't.

Thinking so, I closed my eyes and fell into a deep slumber.

Abhishek's POV-

"So, you kissed her?" Mithali asked me, eyes wide open with a huge grin on her face.

"Yeah." I smiled, scratching the back on my neck.

"OH MY GOD! THAT'S SO CUTE!" Akanksha squealed.

"GET MARRIED SOON." I looked at Adithi. I gave her a wtf look. "Sorry." She laughed nervously.

Yes, the girls, except Vashi, were here in my room. Just as I had stepped out of my bathroom, these girls were here, throwing a dozen of question at me. So, I wrapped the towel around my neck and sat on the bed, answering their questions.

"This is unbelievable. Vashi hated the word 'love' and yesterday she confessed her love to you! Omg! This is amazing!" Adithi said.

"So.... are the feelings mutual?" Akanksha asked me, with a mischiveous smile.

"Very much mutual." I smiled widely.

The girls squealed again at my statement before giving me a hug.

"So, according to our deal, Abhay, we told you to make Vashi fall for you and make her believe in love. And in return we would do anything you'd ask us for two weeks, which we did." Mithali smiled.

"So, deal done." Mithali put her hand forward for me to shake it.

"Yes, deal done." I said, shaking her hand.

"I can't believe Vashi actually fell for you!" Adithi laughed.

Akanksha opened her mouth to say something but couldn't.

"Even I can't believe I fell for this." We all turned our heads to the direction of the voice.

Vashi stood at the door with tears in her eyes.



Dramaaaaaaaa awaiting. xD

Voteeeee people. ❤❤

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