Part 4

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Part 4

Just Because.
A first fiction by Blair BW.

Andy -

Sa masuk office mcm biasa harini. Mcm tiada hati sudah sa pigi kerja ni. Tau ka tu perasaan menunggu dgn penuh harapan tapi mcm menunggu dgn sia-sia ja. Bila lah bulih transfer balik KK? Sa masuk jah pintu ada sdh si Jaswine, reception cum PA to everyone membubut sa dari blkg. Apa lagi update dia harini? Sa tiada mood mau dgr schedule apa-apa harini.

Sa masuk office sa, ampai phone di meja, on computer sa..

"Mr. Cyril.. Harini ada org report duty.."

Ya memang dorg panggil sa Cyril my middle name, sebab there was another Andy at our office.

"It's ANDY. Stop calling me Cyril! Anyway, buat apa ko kasitau sa ada org mau report duty?"

"Oh.. Dia report sama Mr. Cyril harini.."

"What? Why me?"

Sa berfikir kenapa dia perlu report duty sama sa? Mau cakap sa boss tidak juga boss. I'm just a sr. executive and an acting manager.

"Suru dia report duty sama org lain."

"Err.. Dia report to you sir. Sa panggil dia masuk skejap lg.." trus si Jaswine keluar.


Bagus sa main game dulu sementara tunggu PC sa starting up.

Pintu sa kena ketuk. Aiyah tiada mood sa harini mau layan org. Sa concentrate main game di handphone sa bila tu pintu kena buka.

"Good morning, Mr. Cyril.."

Perempuan? NOT CYRIL!! Sa baru mau cakap when I looked up to see the person.


Dea? Dea Daltrey? Right in front of my eyes?!

Jantung sa mau gugur. Sa terkejut plus sa hairan..

"What are you doing here?!!"

Terkejut si Dea. I didnt mean to startle her. Tapi sa betul-betul terkejut nampak dia di depan sa. Bukan sa tidak happy. I don't expect to see her. I mean, I do want to see her, but not now, not right now.

Sa intercom si Jaswine suruh bawa file si Dea.

Si Dea masih berdiri depan sa. She looked guilty, uncomfortable. Sa tdk bermaksud mau kasi buat dia begitu. But this is so sudden!

Di kepala otak sa ligat sudah berfikir. Walaupun seluruh hati sa mau betul peluk dia. Dia tidak boleh kenal sa.

Wait. She called me Cyril. Dia tdk pernah tau middle name sa because of some reason I hated my middle name.

Ok, ok she doesn't know who I am. Jaswine masuk bagi file si Dea. Sa browse tu file, tapi susah btul sa mau hadam knowing that she's still standing in front of me.

"Go out. Jaswine, take her with you."

Dorg kluar baru sa dpt baca tu profile si Dea.

Apa sa mau buat? How can I work with her?

Sa ambik phone sa..

"Hey.. Hows your first day?"

Sa tunggu2 si Dea reply.. Lambat ni.. Apa bah dia buat di luar tu?

"Andy, help me. He's such a cu*t."

What??! Dia cakap sa cu*t..

"He can't be so bad. How does he look like?"

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