Chapter 15

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"That was a good game son" Ahmaud said. We were in Louisiana for Alizea's basketball torunament. He had just finished the very last game after 3 days being here. Lillian had brought Yasmine here because they were going to Orlando with us too. They apart of the family so why wouldnt they come.

"Yeah Zea. I have never seen you play that good."

"Yeah. I be grinding out here" he said hugging me. "I work out with a couple LSU players once a week."

"That's good" I said wiping the sweat off his forehead.

"Hey babygirl" he said walking over to Yasmine and hugging her. I walked over to where Quincey was sitting with the twins.

"I'm ready to get on the road." I said sighing. I was waiting on Zea to go shower so we can leave.

"How we riding?"

"Monae will probably ride with Lillian and Yasmine. Zea prolly gone ride with y'all so i got the twins and Ava." Ahmaud finally agreed to let Ajarie and Alizea come to Florida. He just get all the kids for Easter , Mother's Day, Father's Day, and Thanksgiving.

"QJ can drive then if you riding by yourself besides the babies. I'll drive you"

"Good" I said smiling. I hated driving real long distances and it's 11hours anddd it's 8:00 right now "You think The kids can drive that far?"

"Hell Yeah! I make QJ drive to Miami all the time and that's further." Quincey's family lives in Miami and they always go. Sometimes Zea and Monae go with them for Spring Break.

After 12 hours with one stop, we finally made it to our vacation home in Orlando. Everyone was already here except my sister.

"You wanna go with Nana?" I asked the twins. They were just waking up.

"Yess!" Armonie screamed. I got them out their car seats and they started jumping up and down. I walked them two houses down to my mom's house and I honestly have never seen my babies so happy to see their grandparents.

"Hey mommy" I said handing her Ava. She was still asleep and I was about to wrap presents so I didn't need the kids running around me.

"Did you bring their C-A-R-S?" I ordered the twins customized Jeeps with their names on the license plates. I ordered Ava a cute yellow VW Beetle with her name on her license plate.

"Yes I brought them. We putting up the tree tonight so be ready at like 7"

"Yes ma'am" I walked back over to my house. Quincey had already got the bags out the car.

"Quincey where you at?" I yelled. We were the only two in the house because Lillian went to go visit her cousin that lived here. The teenagers were in their house next door.

"Upstairs." he yelled back. I went upstairs and looked in every room till i found him. I walked in his room and hopped on his bed. He was unpacking some of his shoes.

"So you helping me wrap gifts?"

"You ain't got too much do you?" I always just wrap toys because when I wrap clothes they don't care much about it. I just wait till they put it on.

"I bought Alizea,Ajarie, QJ, and Kae apple watches. I bought Zea a Macbook for college next year. I bought the babies cars but I also got them like balls and stuff for the trampoline. Oh I got Armon some paw patrol stuff and Armonie some Trolls stuff and everybody else got money" I been stopped giving gifts to like my mom and Zea and Ajarie because I know they like to buy their own stuff. I bought Quincey a Rolex but he don't know that.

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