Chapter 29

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"Quincey scoot over. You all up on me" I said trying to push his arm off of me.

"It's cold in here. Shhh go back to sleep" he mumbled. He has been here for a week now. He said he was just going to stay here for the week to see if Ahmaud was to try something on me. Alizea and Kaelah have been staying at their house with Quincey's sister. I wouldn't let him stay unless an adult was there with them.

"I'm uncomfortable" I said still trying to wiggle out of his grip.

"I'm sorry" he said opening his eyes and looking up at me. He had his head on my chest and his arm around my waist. He was comfortable as hell. It was me that wasn't.

He laid flat on his back causing me to take the position he was previously in.

"When are you going back home?" I asked looking up at him this time.

"You ready for me to leave" I paused to really think about the question.

During the past month, I took the time to really focus on myself. I started working out to better myself physically. I ended things officially with Alonzo and I even took a break from Quincey to figure out myself mentally and emotionally without a man. I needed to know that I can function without being in a relationship. I grew closer with my children. I have took the time to really watch Armonie in her gymnastics classes. I usually just drop her off and then come back and get her. I listen to Armon and his likes and dislikes. I go outside and run around the yard with them. I focus on Jaiden now and I make sure Ajarie and Alizea are straight.

However, also during my month I realized that Quincey is the one I really want. He's basically my other half and I would hate to lose him. I decided that I would work slowly on being in a relationship with him. I of course do not want to rush things and he doesn't either so we pretty much continue things as usual. We are just open about our feelings with each other.

"No, but I want you to get back to my children. I hate that you've been here for a week while they have been home not doing anything" Alizea left Sunday with Kaelah to go back to Louisiana since they had school on Monday. They only had a month and a half of school left. My son will be officially done with high school and Kae will be a junior.

"My plane already booked for tomorrow" he said wrapping his arms around me. 

"Alright" I said closing my eyes till my phone started vibrating. I knew it was Ajarie since she has been staying in the guest room instead of coming up the stairs with her being sore and whatnot. "Just when I was getting comfortable" I mumbled. Quincey handed me my phone. She was just telling me that Malik was coming over and to turn off the alarm. I sighed getting out of bed. I threw on Quincey's shorts that were next to the bed. I had just had on a big t-shirt and panties.

I'm so glad Ahmaud is getting the babies for the weekend. He is picking them up to take them to school in a couple hours. I took off for the week to get Ajarie accostumed to this lifestyle.

"I'll be back" he nodded. I went to the alarm panel and disabled it. I walked downstairs to the guest room to see Ajarie asleep in the rocking chair holding a now awake Malani.

"Monae get in the bed" I said picking Malani up and walking to the changing table to swaddle her in her blanket.

"Mama I got it" she said opening her eyes quickly. I applaud her for the effort of trying this motherhood, but she can't do it alone.

"No go to sleep. Malik will be here shortly" she stood up hugging me briefly before laying straight in the bed. I know she is tired.

I walked to the living room carrying Malani. She stays in this room all day. She needs a different scenery.

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