Chapter 2

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The room lulled into silence. Neither of them really knew what to say. Here Isaac was with a girl who at least seemed interested in him yet he couldn’t move. He hadn’t had the attention of a girl since Hazel let alone romantic attention since Monica- but he tried not to think about her. Romantic attention? He was getting ahead of himself anyways.

“Are your parents home?” He asked. Why? He wasn’t quite sure why he would ask this but he was sure that the silence was overwhelmingly painful.

He heard her beanbag shift under her wait before she stated, “Isaac, my parents may not be home, nor will they be home until late this evening, but I am a classy kind of girl.” Her voice was cheeky and in return he could feel the heat growing in his cheeks.

Not like that!” He blurted out but caught himself in a lame explanation, “I did not mean it that way at all. I was just thinking it is really quiet here and you never introduced me-“

“Shhh.” She brought him down to a hush again. “I’m joking.” She laughed. 

“Right.” He pouted and she couldn’t help but smile at him. “Can I show you something?”

“I suppose so.” He paused, “Except I’m blind.”

She rolled her eyes and pushed herself up, “You don’t have to see to be shown something. What good is something that can only be seen?” She had a point. It wasn’t very multidimensional if it was only visual. What it was he still wasn’t sure. The music started off quiet but she turned it up so it filled the room with a tune Isaac had never heard before.

“What do you think?” She sat next to him again.

“I’ve never heard it before.” He simply told her.

“That doesn’t change your opinion on it. If anything it makes it more pure.” The lyrics started to spill out of the speaker now.

“It seems ok.”

“Ok?” She exclaimed, “That’s all you have to say!”

“Is there something you want me to say?”

“To think I’d brought home such a boring boy! I hardly would’ve thought that you, of all people, would be the type of under opinionated person like this.”

“Well sorry I’m not a music enthusiast.” He replied sarcastically. 

“I can’t believe it-“ She stopped herself as the music picked up and went into the chorus, “Listen.” He did. He heard the man sing the lines clearly; “When you feel my heat/ Look into my eyes/ It’s where my demons hide/ It’s where my demons hide/ Don’t get too close/ It’s dark inside” That too was when he heard a small voice singing along next to him. She’d began to sing along and he was more captivated by that than the song could ever hope to have him. He started to really like listening to her. He liked the way her breathes were short and calculated, the way the air escaped her lips along with her words, the way her syllables were slightly changed, and the way her voice softened then increased in strength along with the song. It made him start to wonder how many hours she’d stayed up her and listened to this same stereo. He wondered how many hours it had taken her to memorize every word and the way those words glided into each other. She stopped and focused her attention on Isaac again.

“We need to fix this.” She told him.

“Fix what?”

“It’s not as fun when you’re the only one singing.” She whispered. He stayed quiet. What was he supposed to say? “I’m going to educate you.”

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