xvi. it gets better

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Abby gave Riley a doubtful look. "You keep saying that you're fine," she said, gently turning the side of Riley's head to inspect the wound. It wasn't much, and she couldn't exactly do anything to fix it. "But I don't see it."

"If you mean emotionally," Riley started, stretching out the word. "I'm not. But unless you're a magician that can make my grief disappear, there isn't much you can do for that wound." She didn't come off as bitter or grumpy, just drained.

Understanding, Abby finally released her. "You're cleared to go," she spoke. Riley slowly smiled and started slipping off the bed. She didn't know where she'd go now, but before she could think, the doors to medical swung open.

Lincoln and Octavia were carrying in a body on a stretcher, someone she hadn't recognized. "Abby, it's Nyko!" Octavia exclaimed, catching the doctor's attention. Riley immediately backed up, giving them room to lay the man, Nyko, on the bed.

"He said it was Azgeda," Lincoln stated, surprising Riley with the worried tone in his voice.

Riley watched as Abby pressed gauze to Nyko's wound, that was bleeding heavily. Jackson stepped forward, checking over Nyko and taking his pressure. "His pulse is weak," he announced. "He's burning up."

"Clotting has stopped the flow, but he's lost too much blood," Abby added.

"I'll test him," Riley offered. She missed being an assistant, helping people recover. Even if she didn't know them. She quickly grabbed Abby's tool that would tell what blood type someone had, and jabbed it in Nyko's arm. The ones surrounding his body watched eagerly, awaiting an answer before Riley spoke. "RH null," she read off the screen, slowly looking up and meeting Abby's eyes. It wasn't good.

Seeing the worried gazes, Octavia spoke up. "What's wrong?" She asked. "We're universal donors. Here, take mine," she quickly suggested, rolling up her sleeve and holding her arm out.

"You can't," Riley told her. From her time in Arkadia, she knew everyone that was born in space had the same blood type. "RH null can only take RH null." She didn't have it, but it was possible Lincoln did. Wordlessly, she looked at him, and he quickly understood. He stuck his arm out in offering, and Riley jabbed him with the needle next. Riley waited for the beep, before looking at the screen and shaking her head, seeing a different blood type appear.

"Can you save him or not?" Octavia demanded.

It was quiet, a heavy tense, before Jackson broke it. "Not here. Mount Weather." Riley stopped suddenly, biting her bottom lip. She put the tool down, visibly tensing up at the sound of her old home. She knew she couldn't talk about it, and forced herself away.Abby, on the other hand, looked astounded at Jackson's suggestion. "The medical facility in that mountain is state of the art. It's all there."

𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠︱monty greenWhere stories live. Discover now