»»-- hoseok/j-hope --««

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You walk slowly down the street, breathing in the fresh night air which is saturated in silence. The sidewalk is damp and glistens when the street lights hit it. Crickets sing, and it calms you.

This is what you needed; a night stroll to get away from the stress of the inside. You've always hated the daytime and being outside at night always helps when you need relief.

The stars shine tonight, more bright than they've been in days. Almost as if they knew that this was the day you'd unravel; let go. You let out a sigh, the tension from this month leaving your body with it.

As you turn the corner to enter the park, you hear a.. sob? Walking forward at a snail place, careful not to make a sound, you look for the source of noise.

Your steps falter as you see a man sitting on the park bench, hunched over. His body silently shakes. The sobs escaping his lips have now become small, choking sounds - as if he's trying to hold back but failing.

Getting a closer look, you notice how his hair is messy - almost as if he just rolled out of bed. He has a long, lean figure which is noticeable even as he hunches up more than before. You cannot see his face though, it is held in his hands.

With tentative, cautious steps you make your way over to him.

"Excuse me?" You say in a soft voice, still a few feet away.

The man lifts his head up and squints at you with swollen eyes. His lips pull up, giving him an almost amused look but the tears that fall down his tanned cheeks say otherwise. Messy, brown hair falls down across his forehead. And even though its not orderly, he looks gorgeous.

He's beautiful, you think to yourself.

"Are you hurt?" You ask, though there is no visible wound.

"I'm fine." He says with a voice that is raw and scratchy from his recent sobbing.

You've heard that phrase before - hell, you've used it yourself. Knowing better, you sit down beside him, still a bit on edge as you hardly know him.

But, you want to help.

"I don't mean disrespect, sir, but I'm not an idiot. Please don't be sad. Its beautiful out tonight and you're wasting it! There's so many things you could be doing, why spend it being upset?" You say, with a determined look etched onto your face.

He looks at you with a confused face. After a few minutes of staring at each other he pouts, "I'm supposed to be the positive one."

"Then why aren't you being positive, sir?" Although he looks to be the same age as you, you're a polite person and address him in such manner.

"I- it doesn't matter." He says with a crooked smile.

"Yah!" You say, eyebrows drawing in and hands on your hips, "it does matter!"

"If you're such a positive person, then show me!" You challenge, trying to distract him from being upset.

He sizes you up; not as a woman but as a competitor. With a swift change in his mood, he stands up.

"You like ramen?" He shoots at you, then turns and starts running.

"I-" your eyes light up. Then with a confused look, you jog after him.

You were right - he has long legs and your little ones struggle to keep up. With a surge of determination, you manage to follow at his heels.

When I see where he's heading, I grin down at the ground and when I look up, I'm crashing into him.

He takes your hand and walks into the ramen shop.

"I'm paying, what kind do you want?"

"What's your name?" You stare up at him.

"Hoseok." He says and ruffles your hair with a heartwarming smile that stretches across his whole face and lights up the entire room.

"I'll have beef, then, Hoseok." You smile back, testing his name on your tongue.

When you receive your orders, you expect to take a seat inside but instead he walks out of the shop and down the road.

"Hey! Where are we going?" You say in confusion.

"Back to the park eonni!" With that he speeds up, while trying to keep his ramen from falling on the floor.

You run ahead of him, holding the bowl to your chest. Like a tornado, you stampede through the small crowd of people near the central road and grin when you finally reach the empty park, feeling Hoseok's breath on the back of your neck.

You both notice the children's playground at the same time, and from your determined gasps you both seem to have the same idea. Pumping your legs harder, you speed forward. And maybe a little too much.

Tripping on your own two feet, you tumble on the soft, wet grass. Soon after, Hoseok tumbles over you and both of your clothes are soaked.

It doesn't bother either of you though, and Hoseok starts to chuckle which then turns into a cascade of giggles as you join in.

"I never asked what your name is?" Hoseok says, holding his stomach and glancing sadly at the ramen that's spilled onto the ground.

"Y/n." You choke out, wiping a tear from your eye.

You feel him take your hand and look over.

"Thank you so much, y/n. I appreciate this a lot. And I expect you to give me your number so we can do it again!" He grins and looks at the stars above that shine even brighter than earlier. His eyes stand out to you the most, though and his easy smile makes your heart flutter.

I haven't even known this man for thirty minutes and I'm catching feels, how classic.

With a sigh, you hand him your phone.

"And I expect you to talk to me if you're feeling sad again! Yah!" You say and flick his forehead.

"I think with you here, I won't be sad anytime soon."

I'm going to start updating this book more, so if you enjoyed it don't forget to add to your library :')

I hope you're all doing well! Comment what you think so far!

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