✧・゚ Twin Minhyuk ・゚✧

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"Minhyuk!" You squeal and punch his shoulder.

His face scrunches up and he pinches your cheek.

You and Minhyuk are twins, and today you graduate highschool.

Jooheon glances at you two with an amused smile. He, is your boyfriend. Jooheon is twenty one, two years older than you and your brother. He won't be graduating, but he's there to support his best friends.

You can hardly contain your excitement for the after party that supposedly is going to be packed. You jump onto Minhyuk's back, though careful not to ruin either of your gowns.

He let's out a silly laugh and gives you a piggyback, running and screaming behind him, "Catch us if you can!"

Jooheon let's out a diverted sigh and you soon hear his footsteps following after you.

After the long, tiring ceremony you and Minhyuk do your bests to keep the spirit up. You sneak up behind Jooheon, grab him by his leather jacket, and give him a peck on the cheek. Minhyuk then tackles him from the side and you all land in a tangle of limbs, shaking with giggles.

You look through the skylight in the gymnasium and peek at the setting sun, the clouds a dark pink.

Tugging the boys by their arms, you hike to the car.

"I'll drive!" You shout, snaking your hand into Jooheon's pocket to grab his keys.

"I call shotgun!" Minhyuk says and ruffles Jooheon hair as he rushes past the chuckling man.

"If my car gets ruined, you're not going to college anytime soon." He says, scooting into the back and pinching you and your brother's ears.

"Okay!" You both sing

Soon enough, you arrive at the party which already has music going that booms down the street.

"Well this won't last long." Minhyuk says wide eyed.

"Oh, don't be a fun sponge!" You tsk and flick his forehead.

Before going into the house, you quickly take off your graduation gown and grab your pink sweater, throwing it over the messy outfit you're wearing.

Strobe lights flash, and it reeks of beer and cannabis already. With an excited smile, you run into the kitchen with Jooheon and Minhyuk attached to your sides.

Jooheon takes nothing more than a beer, while you and Minhyuk take continuous shots.

"Oh my god. Wonho and Hyungwon?" You stare wildly as your brother, Jooheon sitting in the corner.

"Yes." Minhyuk says, the gossiper as usual.

"Minhyuk!!" You scream, following after your brother. He crawls under tables, giggling childishly and peeking over his shoulder.

You hiccup and reach for his leg but he narrowly escapes.

Jooheon sits in the same spot, watching you two and shakes in a silent fit of laughter. You grin at him and smack Minhyuk's bum, trying to get his attention.

You crawl out from under the table and climb onto it, instead. You do aegyo, while your body does some gangnam style shit. Your cheeks are red from the liquor, and every ten seconds you hiccup loudly.

Minhyuk bobs his head down below, grinning up at you and cheering. Others around do the same and some just flip you off.

You attempt to get off the table but suddenly it seems a lot higher than before.

And like you're motherfucking hero, Jooheon helps you down. You jump up and wrap your arms around his neck, snuggling your face into him. Minhyuk comes up from behind and starts making animal noises into his ear, hiccuping every now and again.


Okay I literally have no idea what this chapter was but I hope you enjoy LOL Next chapter will be based off of this, but Jooheon and y/n's first kiss ~ just a simple fluff.

Also, again, thank you SO much for reading!!

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