The definition of a lie

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I think of the last time we kissed.

It was gorgeous.

Maybe even kind of beautiful.

You had cried, I think I did too.

The stars were above us, of course they were,

destiny among the Gods, right?

We had promised each other one more day-

just one more.

Instead we got a handful of memories and a few precious minutes.

They said we were soul- mates, perfection, I think we were a lie

a stunning lie that had some kind of heightened sensitivity that left us breathless.

I think of those last moments:

I will never forget, not in my triumphs or my darkest thoughts.

We had kissed and cried, loved and lied, we were a mess and a memory,

we were the definition of human.

we were everything and nothing.

do you remember, love?

I do.

I will never forget.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2014 ⏰

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