oneshot | fight me pt.2

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I'm a horrible author at updating, I literally just don't know what to write next and I don't have requests at the moment. I'm sorry everyone~


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Blankly gazing at him you were dumbfounded at this point, what kind of person does he think you are. Is he a literal fucken idiot? You know what he'll try to do, take your hand and flip you over, it's the oldest trick in the book.

Letting out a sigh of frustation you grabed his hand and twisted it under your arm. Using his weight to propel himself, onto the cold hard floor, crushing him underneath you as his back slammed onto the wood.

Then you immideatly grabbed both of his hands, standing up and slaming your foot into his groin area, before kicking him against the ropes.

Dusting yourself off, you walked over to him to check to see if he died.

When getting a few of inches closer you suddenly felt your feet give out under your legs, and you plummeted to the floor. Looking up you saw his foot placed on your stomach, with determination set in his face. The corner of his mouth was bleeding as he licked his parted lips, roughly breathing.

Pretty boy wants to play hard?

Grabbing his foot with your hands you dug your nail into his pressure point vein, quickly before he could crush your stomach with his foot. Not enough to cut, but it still hurts like a thousand needles thrusting into someones leg.

He screamed out loud in agony, cursing almost every colorful word under the sun.

His foot slipped off you and you jumped up, sending a punch to his jaw. He grabbed your wrist and jammed his knee into your stomach, knocking the air out of you.

Chocking you managed to somehow stay upright, the cheers and yells in the background diminishing. As fast as lightning you did your trademark move, using up all the energy you had left.

One hit in the stomach, one arm tightened around his neck, one knee kick in the groin, and lastly you dropped him when you felt his body go limp in your arms.

He fell like a rock to the floor, when you sat on the ground you felt your lungs aching while gasping for air. He did put up a good fight, at least it was interesting than most. The referee screamed your name as the winner, making you grin even if you felt like you were going to throw up. The cheers were giving you a headache but the thought of the money just made you chuckle.

Looking at the boy you realized his eyes were fluttering open, glancing at you with a breathless smirk. You could read the words rolling off his lips even though you didn't exactly hear it because of the loud yells.

'Good game sweetheart'

'You didn't do that bad yourself' you mouthed out, grinning in disbelief.

With that you both smiled, relishing in the sores and bruises of a well played match.

•[present day]•

"Y/n wake up, why are you looking at the wall like that?", a voice asked bringing you back to reality.

Quickly glancing up in surprise you saw a pair of twinkling brown eyes looking back at you, scaring the shit out of you.

So of course you screamed and on instinct punched the random face that decided to get in your personal space.

You then proceded to scoot backward on your butt, not the most elegant move but oh well, to put some distance between you and-

Oh fuck, recognition seemed to flood your features as you realized who you just gave a black eye to. Hands covering your mouth in shock, not able to say anything at the moment.

Jungkook sank to his knees and let out a moan, or was he laughing hysterically? 

"God! What the hell was that for babe?!", he groaned out, curling himself up into a ball on the floor.

Never mind not laughing.

"S-shit sorry! I didnt know it was you, and I was thinking...then you came up to my face. You know I don't like that! I didn't mean to hurt you....but then I was scared, and it wasnt on purpose-"

"It's fine, I'm ok", he cut off your rambling with a half pained smile. Which just made the cut bleed even more.

"Wait don't move, and stop smiling", you demanded grabing a towel from the floor, noticing the blood leak above his eyebrow.

You striped off a peice of the cheap towel material with your teeth, wrapping it around his head and onto his eye carefully for now. You're not one in the doctoring department, so until you get Jungkook to the medical room he's going to have to live with that.

"I'm fine darling, really it's cool. Just a cut, doesn't hurt that much", he mumbled out trying to push you away.

"Save your pride moran and stop making this more difficult then it has to be", you ordered out with a frown, pushing strands of his hair lovingly from eyes.

"Can you stand up, and don't move your eyebrows like that, it'll make the cut open even more", you added trying to wipe the minimal amount of blood from your hands.

He just glanced up at you with a smile, wrapping his arms around your waist as he bit his bottom lip in reply.

Rolling your eyes you tried to ignore his flirting when now was obviously not the time.

"Okay I'm going to try to help you up, if you start geting dizzy hold onto me", you stated while putting your arm under his shoulders, making him let go of your waist. Getting the both of you to a stable standing position.

"Yah, look at me..," he mumbled out, holding your chin with his hand and making you drop your arms from his shoulders. He held you in front of him, wrapping his arms around your waist as he pulled you to his chest.

Turning red you let out an annoyed sigh, tilting your face the other way in frustration.
"Let go of me, we need to take you to the nurse Jungkook," you scolded him, trying to ignore his attempts.

"Exactly make me feel better doctor," he whispered out with a glint in his eyes, lips curved into a mischievous smirk. His hands turned your chin back to him with a bit of force, making you gaze up at him as he trailed his fingers down your neck. Causing shivers to immediately follow his every movement.

You could feel a lump stuck in your throat, heart beats seemed to escalate with every breath you took. Glancing up at him you knew your cheeks were turning red, making Jungkook just lick his lips at the temptation in front of him.

"Come on baby girl, fix the problem you started."

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