Chapter Twenty|| Baiting

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{Emily's POV}

"This is ridiculous." Oliver grumbled as we sat up against a wall as I continued peeking around the corner. 

"If you didn't want to come, you didn't have to." I replied glancing at Claire who was looking at her 'flat tire' with a angered expression. 

"Look stay here in the car and lock it.  I'll walk down to get some help. Try and get ahold of Emily and see if Oliver can send someone down here quicker." Brian played off and she sighed doing so. 

I have to admit, they were good actors. 

No one else knew of our plan of baiting once again. Brian and Claire were supposed to get a flat tire, he was to leave, and she was supposed to get back out acting like she was looking for service as Oliver and I waited patiently to attack if needed. We were hid well. 

"And leave my mate alone? I don't think so." Oliver shot back and I fought the urge to roll my eyes. 

"You know this is my job right? I do stuff like this all the time." I told him and he let out a small growl. 

"Doesn't mean I have to like it." He spoke with a childish tone and this time I did roll my eyes. 

"Don't roll your eyes at me." Oliver snapped and I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. 

Like I said, childish

"Just shush and wait, Oliver." I groaned.

Minutes passed and I watched Claire get back out of the car holding her phone up following the plan smoothly. 

"Are you freaking kidding me? How do I not have service? Out of all times this could happen..." She mumbled to herself tapping her phone angrily and if I wasn't waiting for a deranged killer to show up, I would've laughed. 

"Do you really think this is going to work?" Oliver asked clearly doubting the plan. I mean, it did fail once before. 

"Shh." I scolded and heard an annoyed sigh leave him. 

Why did he even come?

By now, Brian was clearly down the road but would be coming back any minute to hide and be prepared as well. 

I saw a shadow emerge from the near woods and my heart sped up. Wow, these people are truly dumb...or we are.

I smacked Oliver on the leg alerting him silently and I watched his eyes shift to a bright green; his wolf surfacing for control. He was ready for a fight... me on the other hand? Not so much. 

You can do this, Emily. This is your chance. 

Claire heard the crunches of leaves and looked around startled. 

"Brian?" She asked and I mentally applauded her. 

Draw them closer. 

Though, when I saw four men walk towards the car my heart stopped. 

ABORT MISSION, my subconscious screamed. 

Claire saw them and slowly started backing up and I saw a flash of brown and saw a wolf lunge at one of the men. Brian

Is he stupid?!

I heard a yelp from him and this time a large near black from darted past me and I looked seeing Oliver gone and my heart now felt like it was running a mile. 

Oliver's wolf was huge and he terrifying as he snarled already attacking one man to the ground off of Brian and Claire let out a scream running towards me and I pulled out my gun firing rounds at the men who were quick to dodge them. 

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