Chapter Two|| Silence

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{Emily's POV} 

I walked through the pack and looked around shocked. 

"Why does this place seem so... dead?" Brian asked. 

Brian, Tanner, and Claire came with me. Brian was good at anything technology and psychology wise, Tanner assists me on talking to witnesses and assisting in crime scenes, and Claire is our CSI. We were a great team. I couldn't do this without them. 

"Probably because it is." Tanner replied looking around and Claire shoved him. "Be nice! They've had a rough time lately." She mumbles to him. 

Some people watched us as we walked by. I guess it was odd seeing new people randomly pop up into your pack with a bunch of suitcases and files in hand. 

"They're staring." Tanner said sighing as he ran his hand through his brown/blondish hair trying not to look. 

"I would suppose." I said speaking up. 

We were random people walking through their pack in suits.

"Lets just find the damn hotel." Tanner mumbled back to me and I heard Claire and Brian snicker from behind us. 

We eventually found our way to the hotel and walked up. 

"Why did we park so far away?" Brian complained and I rolled my eyes. "Im sure SUV's pulling up wouldn't cause suspicion so I just did it for the heck of it." I mocked and Brain grumbled words under his breath as we walked in. 

"Hi, we called a couple days ago. We should have four rooms under the name Sire." I told the lady at the front desk and she nodded. 

"They're already paid for so here are your key cards. Have a nice day." She said in a monotoned voice. 

"You too." I said and turned looking at the others awkwardly. 

"Uh, meet at my room in ten?" I asked and everyone nodded grabbing a room key and went our separate ways. Unfortunately our rooms weren't side by side. 

As I walked into my room I noticed how dull it was. It was old and it looked like no one had stayed there in ages. 

I unpacked my clothes into the dresser and hung some things up in the closet. 

I grabbed my briefcase containing the information we had and sat it on the old desk in the corner of the room. I unlocked it and pulled out the files and walked to the bed spreading them out. 

I thought about it before looking at an empty wall and looked to the tape in my briefcase. I was quick to grab the tape and started taping pictures to the wall. Mid-taping I heard a knock on the door. 

"Come in! It's unlocked!" I yelled. 

"I could have been a killer." Tanner scorned. 

"Good thing I know how to protect myself." I winked. 

Brian and Claire followed in behind Tanner. 

"Whoa. You did that quickly." Tanner said looking over the wall. 

I had only hung up a few pictures. 

"Looks like this will be my thinking board." I mused looking it over. 

"I have some red yard in my CSI stuff that I use to mark stuff with. I can bring some over for you to link things together." Claire offered. 

"That would be wonderful." I replied turing to the wall.

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