Chapter 1

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A loud scream from a girls voice rang out. It sounded panicky like it was calling out in fear. The girls voice continued to call out my name over and over. What was wrong? What was happening?
"Sia! Sia! Sia! Sia please wake up! WAKE UP!"

The sounds of a smoke alarm stirred me awake from my bed. The woman's voice fading into what sounded like Mum's voice swearing as the alarm went off.

Rolling out of bed I stumbled my way down the hall to the kitchen where she was fanning smoke away from the alarms.
I let out a yawn.

"G'mornin' mum..."
I stretched as I watched her scramble away at the breakfast she overcooked, muttering cuss words under her breath. Glancing at me she sets down her spatula.

"Sirus! You're still in your pyjamas?"
She scoffed in annoyance as she looked at me.
"Whot part of we are goin' to be late do you not understand!? Come on!"

She began clapping her hands in rhythm as she spoke to me fallowing me until I went to my room.
"We're going to be late!"

I closed the door behind her, scurrying to my dresser to put on my uniform.

Mum had only enrolled me into school last week so for the past few years it was just her teaching me.
Which I didn't mind. Mum was really smart. She worked with computers and such so to learn from her was like learning from a rocket scientist. Which was cool in a way.
However I always did want to go to school, and now I was finally lucky enough to go to one!

I jumped at the sound of banging on the door.

"Sirus, come on lov! You're going to be late!"

"Okay! Im coming! I'm coming!"
I shouted back at her. She instantly opened the door as i was tying my shoe lases. Grabbing my arm she pulled me with her out the door.
"What about breakfast?"

I hear her groan as she pulled me along with her.

"We'll stop by somewhere to get something, just...keep up."

I tried my best to keep up as I hurried with her to her car. Struggling to put on my seatbelt I was met with her annoyed gaze before she reached over to help me.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Now we can't stop for anywhere long. Mummy's got a meeting and I really can't be late for this. You can't be late for School either."

Rolling through a Mc.Donnalds drive through she quickly ordered our food and drove off. Quickly she handed me my breakfast.
"Spill it and I'll have your backside."

"Yes ma'am."
I said as I took a bite out of my sausage roll, trying desperately not to spill ANY of it. My mum was nice most days but if she got cross she was a bit...scarry. But all was well.

To be honest, i was scared to go to school. I never liked strangers or people in general. Mum had told me stories about these horrible group of people that tried to take me away from her when I was a baby. They said they tried to hurt me to and since then she's been extra careful.

She was my only source of protection and knowledge I had so as long as she's here, I'm always safe.
I felt myself tense up as my mum began driving onto the property.
I felt nervous yet... Excited. I wasn't sure if I was ready to go but I wanted to.

"Are you sure you want to go to school lov? We can wait another year or two."

I gave a soft nod. This is something I looked forward to for a while. School was supposed to be filled with friends and nice people and good teachers at least that's what all the telly adds had said. Going to an all girls Private school was... A big step from home schooling. I was excited.
However Mum said people can be mean, which made me want to stay with her more.

"M-Mum... Are you sure you can't walk me in? What if I get lost or-"

"Oh, Doll you'll be fine I promise okay."

Once the car stopped she gave a little smile.
Unbundling myself I was then stopped by her grabbing my hand.

"What? What is it?"

I asked her anxiously looking up at her...she could easily tell I was a nervous. Who wouldn't be able to tell?

"You forgot your eye patch."
She pulls one out of her back and wrapped it around my face, making sure to securely cover my left eye.
She had always made me wear one, I didn't like it and I still don't. But I she made me wear one, everywhere. We never left home without one.

"Thank you Mummy."
I said feeling the cloth against my face.

"Right, you brought your inhaler right?"

I gave her a small nod as she adjusted my blazer.

"Mummy...what if the other kids don't like me?"
I fidgeted in place as I looked up at her, her short jet black hair swaying a bit as a cool autumn breeze filled the air.

"Hush now pet. You'll be fine. And if anybody gives you trouble, punch 'em in the face."

"I-In...the face?"

"Right in the face. Just like I taught you."
She leaned forward and kissed the top of my head softly.
"I love you, do good okay. I'll pick you up after work."

I gave her a firm confident nod as i watched her left. I held my confidence up right until her car was out of sight.
Turning around to face the school. My heart sank a little as I looked to see how big it actually was and how many children were going inside.

I don't think I'm ready for this. Not one bit.

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