Chapter 16

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Looking around I realized...Dawn was right.
This place was a horrible mess. It looked way worse on the inside.

"This place is wrecked..."
I spoke to her as I saw boxes filled with stuff and rubbish everywhere.
"Why are we here again?"

Before she could answer there were running footsteps fallowed by Dawn being tackled by a blond girl in bright neon coloured...everything.


I watched as Dawn struggled to breathe. Was this woman her sister or something?

"Hey, hey easy! I you don't have to throw my back out every time you see me."

They seemed close. I watched as they chatted a bit though I stayed close to Dawn just because...well...stranger danger.
The woman was a bit shorter than Dawn, short blonde hair, green eyes. She wore a hot pink crop top with neon blue and black leggings and black boots.
She looked nice...and a bit familiar in the face.

I jumped as she let out a loud gasp at the sight of me.

The woman looked me in awe. As if she has never seen a kid up close before.

"WHO IS DIS?!?!?"
She asked in excitement as she grabbed my face, squishing my cheeks.
"She's so CU'E! You didn't tell me you had a kid! 'as it realleh been dat long!?"

"Oh, this is Sia. She's the one I've been babysitting for the past few months..."
Dawn said beginning to fidget about as she looked at me.
" Sia, this is...Erin, she's one of my mates."

"It's Sirus..."
I mumbled shyly as my face was still being squished by Erin. She seemed to be oddly obsessed.

"She's adorable Dawn. Yew should consider adoption. I wouldn' mind keepin' dis one as a niece."

I felt my face turn red. Nobody has ever called me anything like that before. And what does she mean adoption?
I already have Mum.

"It doesn' work like that Erin, I'm only watching her until her mum comes home."

" Dawn! Dawn! Look I made 'er blush! Isn' she the cutest!"
Erin said still amazed face.
It was nothing special...just a face of an average 12 year old. A cartoon 12 year old but, an average 12 year old.

I then hear a man's voice from another room

"Erin shut the FUCK up and help me with these stupid boxes!"
The voice sounded rough and kind of scary...but I didn't pay much attention to it.
"And get Dawn to help too!"

Dawn then looks at me and gives me a small grin as Erin finally let go of my face.

Erin looks at me kindly.

"Yew can help if you want too. Dare are some boxes upstairs dat need to be taken outside. You'll know where day are."

She then grabs Dawn's hand and disappears into the other room.
I slowly walks up the stairs admiring the writing on the walls from
"Ocean Bacon" to " I smashed 2D's face in the wall right here" it was both weird and funny at the same time.

As I was walking up until I bumped into a tall man who was coming down the to my vision issues I wasn't able to see him coming my way.  Lucky he caught me before I could fall.

"Are you alrigh' lov? I didn' mean to run into yew."

I looked up at his face. He was tall...really tall. And his eyes looked non existent. Large black pits replaced what we're supposed to be eyes. I looked at him terrified. His eyes were gone!

"Somethin' wrong lov?"

His voice just added to it. Terrified of what I saw I let out a shriek and ran up the steps away from him.

Turning the corner I ran into somebody else. Somebody BIG!

Way bigger than what I saw in the stairway. His eyes were a milky white and glowing too! What happened!? I took off in another direction into a room, hopefully getting away from them.

What was with these people! They were scarry as heck! A tall man with no eyes and a big monster with glowing white eyes! Not to mention the creepy pictures and animals hanging on the wall. I ran as fast as i could into a room and slammed the room shut and curled up in the corner. I felt my chest become heavy as I began to panic.

Moments later felt the presents of somebody in the room with me along with the sound of footsteps coming near.
"Stay away...Stay away..."
I mumbled.

I covered my face and curled up farther into the corner.

Peeking between my fingers I saw what looked like a rotting face. Some sort of zombie charge at me.
I covered my eyes and ears and screamed and cried

There was panicked talking but I know they wanted to hurt me and frighten me off. I then went I to such a panic a blacked out...

This wasn't fun at all. I wanted to go home! Dawn promised a good time. This was the complete opposite. I hated this!

I want to go home!

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