Chapter 7

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Months have passed and I still had a massive gap in my mouth...
Some foods I couldn't eat but that was alright...

I had to stop going to school. Mum said it was best for me so I wouldn't get hurt or bullied anymore.
I began having weird dreams again too...about the girl calling out for me and me falling, buildings burning down. It all felt so real to me...
Every time it would happen id wake up in a pool of my own sweat, and my eyes would be burning, as if they had been on fire.

Once again i shot out of my bed of the feeling of being dropped again.
There was the sweet smell of bacon cooking out of my room, giving me the hint that mum was awake.
She was always up and ready before me.

Stepping out of the room to greet her I hear something run past me into my mum's room...
Whatever it was sent shivered down my spine and made me feel uneasy.

Taking a few steps back I looked in her room, having her door wide open. Her room was dark, the window covered with a black sheet. The only thing i could really see is the outline of her bed and wardrobe and the smallest reflection of her acoustic guitar. She never played it.
At least not while i was around. And she made it a very strict rule not to NEVER EVER touch it.
It was a bright red and black with golden strings... Very pretty.

I noticed something else in the corner...something darker than the room, crouched on all fours. It looked kind of like a dog....but not like a dog?
I stepped in a bit closer to see just exactly what it was, I jumped as i saw it open its eyes.

Whatever this "thing" wasn't a dog. I backed away slowly, maybe i was still half asleep.
I did have a tendency to see things while i was awake, especially when i was tired.
I made my way to the kitchen to where Mum was in her black dressing gown, cooking breakfast. She looked back at me with a soft smile. Although something seemed off about her...

She wasn't wearing any makeup and definitely not ready for the day. And she looks like she had been crying.

"Good mornin' lov...want breakfast?"

I blinked a bit. Feeling concern from her. I slept close to her feeling the colt tiles on my feet, making me shiver.

"Mum...are you okay?"

She sniffles and goes back to scrambling eggs.

"Im fine lov' stuff."

"Adult stuff? Like what?"
I spoke softly as i watched her cook. I hated seeing her sad...or anybody sad for that matter. I frowned a bit seeing her expression.

"Nothing for you to worry about. I promise...go sit at the table."
Doing as i was told I sat down and watched her make my plate.
Making her way over to me she kissed the top of my head and sat down.

Grabbing my fork I took a bite out of my eggs, looking at my mum. She just sat on her side stirring her fork around her plate. Not eating.
"Sirus? You know I love you very much right?"

This threw me off guard a bit.  Swallowing down my bite I gave a slow nod. Of course i knew she loved me why would i think any less?

"Are you poorly?"
I asked taking another bite of my eggs.

"No doll...just. Know that i love you loads and, I won't ever let anybody take you okay."

I sat my fork down and looked at her.

"Mum...are you sure you're look really sad. Am i in trouble? Did i do somefhing?"

She looked at me with glassy brown eyes.

"No love! Never!"
She began crying as she stood up from her chair looking directly at me.
"You never ever do anything wrong! You hear me!? You are perfect!"
She was a bit fidgety as she sniffled again.

"'re starting to scare me. A-are you sure you're-"

"Hey, hey no baby no. I don't mean to i just...lets go out today...just the two of us. Yeah?"
She began grabbing my plate as well as hers.
I wasn't finished eating yet but I didn't argue with her...
"Come on lov' lets go. Just the two of us we'll have loads of fun doing...doing...anything you like, yeah?"

"I-....I- ummm..."

"Come on love, get dressed lets go!"

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