So ummm....
Sometimes. I'll think of like, a certain episode of a tv show
and then that episode will play on the same day
after I thought of it.
Like I think of something and it happens.
And that's the most common thing that happened. That happened today actually.
Another ( super recent ) example:
Yesterday, I was at my Abuela's house ( my Abuela is sort of like a babysitter :P so she takes care of kids and stuff ), and so this kid is in the little crib thing
And the whole day he was just laying down, and coughing, and sleeping, and wouldn't eat much.
So I was thinking "oh my gosh, what if he got really sick ( kinda gross :/ so if things like puke gross you out, like me, then I probably wouldn't keep reading ._. ) and just started throwing up everywhere. Ewww!"
About an hour later, he's sitting in the little highchair thingy ( if that's what you'd call it ), and there's food right in front of him, and he's not eating.
So my Abuela goes to give him medicine ( I'm in a chair sort of near the high chair, my grandma is in front of him, so I couldn't see him at first, and she's trying to give him the medicine ) then all of a sudden I hear a tiny little burp ( sorry if I'm going into details on this ._. ... ), my Abuela go "Ayyy!", and then what sounded like someone pouring a bucket of water, or water spilling.
The kid friggen threw up all over himself!! It was disgusting! I saw it! >.< I'm Scarred for life!!!!!
I thought "oh my gosh!!! That's sick! I am-...... Wait, I was.... O.o holy crap"
Sooooo yeah ._. I predict things sometimes. I don't know if it's a normal thing that happens to other people, or maybe I'm psychic or something, I dunno ( doubtful :P ). Can you comment and let me know if things like that happen to you too? Pweez? Thank you ^-^ because if not then ._. Wow. Shemur.