Chapter 1

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My whole class' are staring straight at me, for breaking their semi-silent lecture.

Screw you anime orgasm ringtones.

I fiddle with my phone trying to silence it, i swear all the color drained from my teacher's face. I'm getting detention and/or getting bullied for liking anime for life. This is a sucky situation. 

I hiss, guessing Tom 'butt dialed' me, after changing my ringtone.

I look over to him, and there it is, a smirk plastered on that sick bastard's face.

I flipped him off.

I got detention for the next week.

'Bout an entrnity later the bell rang, signalling his release from this hell hole. Imagine like 30 kids trying to squeeze their way through one door way all at the same time. Yeah, hectic. "You fucking jerkwad" I hiss at Tom. He gives me a little salute keeping his dirty smirk as we split our ways to go to our lockers.

I open my locker and just stare at the contents of it for a few seconds before closing it. Im 90% sure everyone does this

I head to my next class, math, room 25. I was semi-excited, Edd was in this class and I kind of like him and stuff, i mean not because we're best bros and stuff so that would be against  bro-law so like no homo, but i totally would kiss the dude.

Okay i'm acting all cool and stuff but i am really really excited because Edd came late this morning which meant i haven't got to talk to him at all today yet. Hopefully he never gets his hands on my hentai, he's too innocent for my anime porn... I'm very Hinedere for that dude.

Im snapped out of my thoughts as i run into a freaking wall, i swear there wasn't a wall there before and it just built itself to taunt me. Ugh, hopefully no one saw. I start tuning into random conversations and i realize my ringtone story is spreading like wild fire. I tune into one stupid conversation. "What the hell," I mumble to myself, it was a bad one. God rumors are stupid as the thought of Edd getting to school early.

I arrive at room 25, walking in to the few early folks who don't have any friends to spread stupid rumors to in the corridors. Except Edd, that kid just wanted to be on time so that tardies in this class didn't upset his grade as much as first period. 

I sit down and pile my stuff onto my desk. Edd comes over to me. "Hello Turd." "Hi Edd." I say after im done putting my seventeen binders on the table (one for each period) "What have you've been up to?" "Well Tom made me a celeberty by calling me in class." "Wait didn't you make your ringtone-" "Yeahhhh" "Oh..." I stare at his hair for a second. For a usual person I would've been staring into his eyes, but Edd has bangs covering his eyes. I thought that was hot, and it made seeing his eyes so much more special. Once everyone took an eye color survey and when they saw that Edd vote brown everyone who didn't go to our elementary or middle School, like, freaked. Never had i wanted to kiss someone more than i have wanted to kiss Edd.

"I've got detetion for a week." "Well isn't that stupid, its not your fault your ringtone went off in the middle of class." "Yeah, but it is my fault I flipped off that doosh." "Tord!! You didn't really!!" "Yeah I did," I lean onto my chair, you know, like a show off. Edd starts laughing "Then you deserve that you idiot," I watch Edd make his way back to his desk as more people file in.

I make my way through another Edd-free  period until lunch comes. I go to my locker and put my binder in there then shoved my hands in my pockets then I go over to were i remember Edd's locker is. Tom is there too. "Hello Twunt." He gives me a sharp growl. Wth, I didn't even think that was possible. "Hey! Get along, or I'll wack you both with my binder!" I put my hands up while Edd slams his locker closed. 

We walk as a group to lunch, Tom splitting off to go get a lunch. Even though i don't have  a lunch box in my hands i done nessesarily want one, I'm not that hungry and even if I was I could mooch a few chips off Edd. Plus I get to walk with Edd alone for longer. We find a spot away from all the gross 'popular' kids. Edd unzips his freaking multilayered lunch. He throws a bag of doritos at my face. "You want those?" "Sure..."  I opened the chip bag and start munching as loud as humanly possible. Edd stares at me. I stop. 

Tom comes up and sits next to Edd, looking at the gross half-plastic pizza. He stabbed his fork into it. "Waste of my money." He proceeds to stare that something behind me. The cool thing about Tom's eyes is that he could be staring at me because i can't see his pupils, but that would be altogether gross. I bet he was staring dreamily at Matt, who was sitting on the table right next to us. Actually sometimes Tom would sit next to me if Matt was in his line of sight. 

I throw a dorito at him, he flinches. Then throws his gross plasticy pizza at me. I peel it off my face and throw it back at him. We continue like this for a while, until a teacher has to step in to stop us. I don't tell her I already had detention, like a sneak.  

Edd looks us both and sigh. "Why wont you just get along!?" I shrug, while Tom goes back to looking at his crush. 

After school finally ends, I pack up my stuff and wait outside the school for Edd and Tom to show up. Edd comes hauling his giant Trombone, and a bag full of probably mostly art stuff. "How do you not have abs by now." "Maybe I do but you just never got to see him." I find a place for a potential flirting opportunity but Tom shows up before i make a fool of myself. "Sup, Edd." "Hello!" Edd tries to wave but almost falls over. "We better get to detention, see ya." "Wouldn't wanna be ya." Edd leaves as me and Tom make our way to detention. "Screw you mug, this is your fault." "If you weren't such a fucking idiot I would've never called you in the first place." I flipped him off. 

We opened the door to our next half n hour of boring nothingness. Most of the kids in here were a bunch of well known bad boys, a cliche tom-boy. There was a goody two shoe in the front shaking, probably their first time in detention. Oh and then there was Matt. Thank god, i thought I would have to sit by Tom the whole time, but no apparently he chooses the ginger over me. That's okay, I would totally kiss Edd before I ever even considered kissing Tom. Actually on that subject.....

I mindlessly sit somewhere near the back. "Yo what are you in for?" I sigh, and looked at the person who asked that question, obviously a memer. "I like, killed a man," "Wow dood that's tough." "Yeah, like stabbing through you skull will be." "Wow dood okay sorry,"  they scooted over. I sighed and plopped my bag onto the floor. The teacher came in signalling the start of detention. He gave us all a packet to work on and it was pretty boring. I spent most of the time staring at Tom and Matt a few seats in front of me. They were so awkward next to each other. I could practically feel them blushing. Tom the sneaky bastard keeps 'accidentally' brushing their hands together. Honestly by this point they should be holding hands.

I like montioring my friend's love lifes, it proves as good teasing material. Except Edd, i want to be his love life.

The bell rings signalling the end of detention. I turn in my half completed packet not caring enough to do it over the week. 

I watch Tom totally forget I exist and take a ride offered from his 'beloved' Matt

I don't really care.

I start walking home, kicking some rocks as i go. Life is undoubtable pointless.

I get home to my mom screaming at me. "Where were you!!??" "I got detention for the week..." I answer as calmly as I can. "Why didn't you tell me!? What for!!?" "A kid called me in class so I flipped him off..." "Give me your phone, your grounded." I do as so and go up to my room to sulk.

I flip through my many anime magizines, looking at some hentai until i flop onto my bed and think about how screwy everything is.

Then i thought of edd. 

How lovely everything about him is, the way he moves, the way he draws, all his puns. He absoltley perfect flaws and all. He is honestly the only good thing in my life and yet i can't have him, and i never will.


A/N: 1570 words... Tasty

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