did that happen?

10 1 0
                             dad raped me.....

Why??? Why??? WHY ME??? WHY MUST IT HAVE BEEN ME???? why me??? I don't understand.....

Why did he do this......??

Maybe it was because he was drunk??

Maybe it was because of the clothes I wear around the house??

I mean yeah sure I wear crop tops around my house and cami's...but....

Why? That's the main question here...

Never would I have thought my step dad would do that...

I told my mom. .

She............. didn't believe first.

But when I told her that I wasn't lying she said that if I was I would be in big trouble.

So she took me to the emergency was true......he raped me..

It was painful.....I wanted to die when he started....

What did I expect my first time to be like?

Hmmm....... That's easy to say... I expected it to be with my wife or husband. Maybe taking it slow.. would I be dom or sub.. I don't know.. depends

Wait why am I thinking about that....wait.... What are they doing to me.....what's going on??

Oww what wassthatttt.

I blacked out after that.

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