dear mom, I'm fuck up.

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Dear Mom,

The simple way to say this is, I'm fucked up.

I'm sorry I never told you  I thought you wouldn't really care or you would over react.

I'm not your innocent little girl anymore. I'm sorry.

The reason I'm so clingy is because I want you to know how much I'm hurting.

Sure I might tell you about the bulling and the threats towards me, but thats all.

Sure I told you about the kids on the bus tell me to kill myself but, I can't tell you this.

It's to hard to explain, and I doubt that you know what I'm going through.

I'm sorry I'm not your baby anymore. I need room to grow. I still want you there for me, but please, please understand why I might act so cold to you.

Some day you will see what's under my mask. But I don't expect you to see it right away.

My mask has fallen off already. But I doubt you noticed.

Your daughter

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