Your getting closer to finish line my friend!
Keep up the good work and you'll surely reach your goal! :D
As a reward for your patience and perseverance, allow me to give you a HUG! A sooper sooper tight HUG!
For those who are still readiing this....I LOVE YOU ALL! :))
For those who are not....I hope you'll change your mind.hahaha :D PLEASE?
Author''s POV
6. READING allows you to experience CONFUSION.
Like what you are experiencing at this very moment of your life while reading my entry. :)
Hey! Be thankful!
At least your mind is working properly. *SMILE!*
It moves you.Thus, giving you the opportunity to stick to your dreams, goals, aspirations, whatever you may call it, which eventually leads you to a thought like
" All things are possible, if you'll only give your 101 % trust to yourself and most importantly to our magnificent Creator". :)
But keep in mind guys, that actions or executions plays a huge role in achieving that "Pot of gold". :)
8. READING gives you a new JOB
It gives you job...not in a way that you're going to apply as a "BOOK/MAGAZINE EDITOR" or something. haha.
No need to update your resumé!
You have already landed the job as a "READER". congratulations!:)
And printed on the contract that you've signed are the following:
Be an "active reader". The word "active" means you have to finish what you've startedergo, providing you a sense of pride and accomplishment, depending on your point of view. :)
It is part of your job to visit bookstore; if the weather permits.Of course, I don't want to put you in danger by meeting the unfriendly creatures outside(e.g., storm,sand storm, tsunami, thunder, earthquake, etc.) , news stands, blogs, or the internet to have an idea of "what's new?" in the world of books.
Be friendly and generous. It's nice to have a "give and take relationship" with others. Once in a while, try to share what you've read to a friend, family member, classmate, stranger? seatmate, colleague, enemy? or unto someone whom you really care a lot, who know's you might help them solve their crossword puzzle! :)
" Mr. Reading "
RandomEver remember a time or day in your life, when you tell yourself that "I really hate reading?" or something like " What's with Reading that people find it amazing?" Well, Wattpad peeps! This is your time to shine! haha. :)) I'll share some of the r...