We have been
Like pinpricks
in the history of time
Existing in the passing
But never significant enough
To be penned down on paperWe are -
The lines in your newspaper
That have never been read
The voices in the backdrop
Of your TV screens
And the carcasses
That lie in your backyard
As an aftermath of
Humanity's desertionWe have burnt
Surrounded by flames
And when you look back
Our screams still echo
In that dark secluded corner
Of the past and the very presentWe have fought for rights
Of men, of animals ,
Of groups and of cultures
Even of objects inanimate
We were heard then
And we'll be heard again
Loud. Clear. And Unrelenting.Because the time has come
To speak upAgainst this culture
Of abuse and decay.
Of hands that travelled
To places where they shouldn't have.
Of the sweeping generalisations
That swallow our entire existence
Boxing it into air tight
Suffocating compartmentsWe have been made of scars
Our bodies turned into ashes
With broken souls
That flinch when a hand is raised
Even when it's just
A friendly waveSo look at us as we die
As the life passes out of
Our veins
Towards a rosier world
A safer abode, a happier placeLook at us closely
And we hope you see
(If not for us
Then for at least
your own guilty conscience)
A phoenix finally
Rising from the ashes.So as we die...
Will you finally rise
Once and for all again?