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Below are some of my favorite Comments and reviews yet:


Lemarson Review (for the first half):

The introduction is nice. It leaves a trail of bread crumbs which readers would gladly follow. But sometimes for a first chapter, bread crumbs are not enough. As For the characters, they are well rounded. They convey all the required feelings we want to see. They come to life and that is a good thing

The description. The dialogue, the narration. They pieces the story together in a mosaic like picturesque sort of manner. Like we are seeing images shadows but not quite getting the full view.

So this means for someone who knows you or is familiar with your works, we trust you know what you are doing that you never let your readers down if Rainbows & Shadows is anything to go by

It makes sense but we are lost at the same time

But for a new reader who just chanced on your book. It is puzzling like Where is this leading to? Where are the bread crumbs taking me? Things are happening, scenes are unfolding I see it but at the same time I don't. In a way being a reader feels like being Somtoo.

For an avid reader, it is transfixing, intriguing almost enchanting but to a normal reader it is plain ass weird

To enjoy this book, one has to welcome the idea of Panorama Puppeteering or carry an open mind. Else it becomes a famous painting like the Mona Lisa, fascinating yet one cannot quite grasp its brilliant concept

Your book is an intellectual classic. Always remember that. It is not to be enjoyed by the shallow minded. This book threatens to shatter the status quo of all that we deem possible. It is like Army of the 12 monkeys or Nightmare Academy, two pieces of literature I have been obsessed with that nobody knew why.

The beginning does little to sell the new concept to closed minded people and so readers not quite prepared for the challenging depth of knowledge this book has to offer may shun away. Unless one possesses patience

With other tons of book out there people will seldom wait

As the story progresses, the book gives more light through the Tunnel of your work. We are still receiving snippets and are not fully satisfied but now we have a relationship with the characters

We have began to appreciate how fleshed out the characters have become. We admire Honor but we are still skeptical as to where all this leads.

Your character and setting description is perhaps your strongest weapon in your arsenal and you never fail to use it. This helps to captivate readers but we still have not grown to fully appreciating your masterpiece. Whereas we are supposed to love Honor, we admire him but cannot relate to him

The more he gives us speeches the more he loses his humanity which is intriguing but off putting at the same time

It is like a switch that gos off on off on off on. That we cannot see him clearly for who he truly is. He is to us... A supermortal with human tendencies

The perception, the theories Whereas welcoming become too much to take in. As a reader, I want to remember the smart lines, quote them but here I feel an information overload coming in every time he speaks.

That is all I have so far

(For Second Half:)

Holy Molly!!! The ending was... It was pffft pissh like how why erm✊🏾😭😭😭

That was an amazing ride. Now here is what I have to say.

It was like a roller coaster unsure to get on at first but once you do you can't stop. Once I got to appreciate the characters, I got the story and it's moving. It has the basic ingredient that every reader loves; A good love story. And it bears down to that

The plot was well developed and this is the most important thing readers will appreciate the book for -- Realism. It was grounded in Realism. We got to love the characters, hate them and pity them

Like real people. We made friends along the way and we remember the story which is great

In short it was wow are we sure about this story to aww this was nice.

derin_becca's Review:

Chasing Annabelle is not a normal novel. It is a book that deals with the mind. I love every thing about the book. Every chapter I open brings this kind of look(😱) to my face. Not all books should have the same concept. The opening chapter is so brilliant. It's not just a read through book. It's a read to understand and assimilate book

Your book is wonderful. It takes a lot of time and thinking to write such a book. Don't underestimate your book.

There's this part about the yawning stuff
I was really attached to your book that I also yawned 😂

I take my time to read beautiful books
And your book is on that list 😊

harielta's Review On Characterization:

I love the characters of CA.
Each has a unique role to play.

Honor projects someone who's confident in his believe and has proven to be really intelligent. I like that he has this mysterious aura around him, you never know what he's thinking and he's a bag of surprises.

Somtoo presents this guy that is obviously tired of school, chasing after a girl that barely acknowledges his existence. His character is really amazing and well projected. I like that even after knowing Honor, he still has his questions and likes to question a few of Honor's objectives.

Annabelle's character is amazing. The girl who decides to be a loner for reasons best known to her. I like how instead of turning to talk to Somto the day he played the victim card, she walked away.

Each character is really amazing and well projected

And overall, the book is amazing with a lot of tricks I intend to put into practice.


frostyella:Chasing Annabelle is an epic piece.

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