05| Camhanaich

353 40 12

0 5

C a m h a n a i c h

(n.) early morning twilight.


The world gives you

so much pain

ad here you are 

making gold out of it.

– Rupi Kaur


"Damien I think you're tilting a little too much,"

"James, don't make me drag you back inside."

James grinned in response. "But this whole thing was my idea," he retorted, an eyebrow quirked in amusement.

"I already regret listening to you, you pillock," Damien said, rolling his eyes as he steadied himself once more for the eleventh time. "Now stop distracting me."

James shrugged. "Can't help it – I'm naturally eye-catching."

Damien sighed before he peered back into his camera, focusing his lens just enough to allow the light freckles on James' nose and cheeks to shine through. "I said this before, don't look at the camera James," Damien said for the seventh time. "Because you know that if you do, you mess up the focus."

James smiled cheekily, dimples in his cheeks. "I didn't look at the camera, Damien."

"Yet," Damien added, with a quirked eyebrow. "We've been out here for an hour and a half James, stop being a nuisance."

James was still smiling. "Sorry. It's just that I am flattered that you chose me to be your model. Given that no one can be nearly as good-looking as I am, it's still a privilege to be posing for you."

"You're not even posing," Damien retorted, rolling his eyes. "Stop being so full of yourself and let's get this over with."

"Of course," James said, nodding his head, which completely messed the focus on the camera and Damien had to groan for the eighteenth time. "I have a tight schedule, and other photographers booked me too."

"Sure," Damien said. "Now stay still, and don't move."

James did as he was told this time, and it only took eleven seconds before the Click! of the camera was heard, and Damien smiled triumphantly at his little brother. He glanced at the picture and nodded his head in satisfaction, before letting James take a look.

"No way," James breathed, his eyes wide in amazement. "I look like that?"

Damien chuckled. "Yes you do James. Do you finally realise how utterly unattractive you are?"

James laughed, shaking his head. "I look...different," James said, now scrutinising the picture with a small smile on his face. "I see things in this picture that I don't even know I have."

Damien smiled, nodding his head. That was the whole reason why it took the two of them an hour and forty minutes to take this picture. There were about twenty drafts on Damien's memory card because Damien just wasn't happy with the way the picture turned out. But the final one – the one that James finally did as he was told – turned out more beautiful than what Damien expected.

It was a simple picture really; taken in the backyard of their house at around midday, but what really made the picture stand out was solely James. James was staring at the falling leaves of autumn – James don't look at the camera you idiot, look at the leaves – with his ruffled blonde hair and soft green eyes. Everything about the picture was delicate and soft – the curl of James eyelashes, the light freckles on his nose bridge and cheekbones; the most delicate smile of his lips, the slope of his jaw – the picture looked incredible, and James seemed to think so too judging from the bright smile on his lips.

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