Thirteen Seconds (5sos short horror fanfic)

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- Happy Halloween! - Said Luke, with his vampire costume, from behind Amber, Ashton, Hannah and Julie, causing Hannah to take a small leap of fright.

- Hey mate. - Ashton said, grinning and throwing one of his arms arm over the boys shoulder. He was dressed as Robin.

- You girls look beautiful! Too bad Calum and Michael couldn't make it today. - Luke spoke. He first looked at Hannah, who was dressed as a witch, then at Julie, who was dressed as Little Red Riding Hood, and soon to Amber who looked incredibly cute in her Alice in Wonderland costume.

- I also look super hot, eh Luke? - Ashton said, making a pose that in his perception was sexy. Everyone laughed.

- Of course honey! - Luke said, playing along. - Anyways, I hope all of you are as eager as I am to go on an adventure!

- What do you mean? - Julie asked, confused.

- Oh, this year I wanted to do something different ... - The boy said, making Amber roll her eyes. You couldn't really rely on different things coming from Luke. - You know that old house across the street? Haven't you guys ever noticed that old lady that stares out the window all the time? The one who always looks at us from afar and never moves? I wanted to know why she stares at us so much. I want to enter the house.

- WHAT?? - All the girls said together.

- Stop being such wusses, nothing is going to happen. The worst she can do is kill us. I'm in! - Ashton said, supporting his friend. 

- Then it's settled!

- Luke, no! Stop it! It is not nice to break into other peoples houses. You don't even know who lives in there! - Amber said, worried. 

- Yes I do! It's an old lady who always stares at us. Come on! - The boy said, pulling the girls towards the house.

It was a very old house, about three stories tall. The walls were faded brown and looked like they hadn't been cleaned or taken care of in decades, because beyond the fence, there wasn't a single  corner, wall or even a window that wasn't completely covered in spider webs. The five friends opened the  completely rusted iron gate and began walking through the huge garden with tall grass that reached their knees. Not soon after, they saw the old woman, staring out the window with the same motionless face as always.

- Guys! Seriously, this isn't  cool. What if someones in there? What If something happens to us? Let's go back, we can go to the playground and scare little children. - Amber said, quite scared. 

- C'mon, you don't want to give up now that we're here, right Amber? - Ashton said.

- Come on, these ghost things don't exist. There is nothing to be afraid of! - Julie spoke, trying to encourage her friend. 

- Guys, seriously, stop! - Amber continued, not letting her friends arguments persuade her.

- There is no way I'm leaving! I want to get some candy from that old lady. - Luke mockingly joked. - If you don't want to enjoy your Halloween, go ahead, go back home! 

- Just don't say I didn't warn you later. 

- Okay mom, bye. - Luke said rolling his eyes while heading towards the front door, along with his other friends who walked besides him. 

- Must be locked ... - Hannah said while getting behind Ashton, holding the boy's arm tightly.

Julie looked at her friend and approached the door. She then simply pressed the palm of her hand on it and saw the same open slowly, making a very unpleasant sound. 

- I don't think so Hannah ... - Luke laughed as he entered the house. - Come on guys, the night is young!

Julie soon followed Luke into the house. Ashton began to walk, but Hannah quickly tugged on his cape.

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