unnatural and illegal relations

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Had someone ever before think about who is the first one get sick?! ....
The bad habits that people are doing right now such as illegal relations it is the first thing that made illness in this world .. like Sex with animals or even with the same sex of humans، it is a Disaster that all diseases came from, it's unnatural and forbidden things,  but no one realize that .. believe me if no one had ever done things like this most of diseases in the world will not be exist.... the world just asking us to be humans... 'right humans nothing else , it become a big deal to handle
, just a bad behave from anyone can make a big disaster... please i want every one to be human to be natural , think about it , wouldn't the life be better if all the people behave like what god want , like what god creat us on, like what we should be like....
"HUMAH this word is  Lost and forgotten"💔
Sorry if there is any mistake in writing. 🌸🌸

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