illegal relationships 2

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Every one should protect himself from illegal relationships and from sex that outside marriage,  cause when someone if girl or man lost her/his virginity to someone who is not their partner ""and when i say their partner I mean who they are married to... not her boyfriend or his girlfriend "" the result of losing your virginity to some one else you incur yourself to humiliation cause you show how crummy and cheep you are, and the illness in these things , these things are forbidden, do not run behind your   Instincts and lusts cause only animals do that. everyone should respect himself ..... be human dear , human always should be high than these things , human should be behavior,  polite, respectful,  sincerely, not humiliated .
Protecting yourself is protecting the world.
It's nice to marry someone who respect himself,  so you two will be in a legal relationship.... you two will be a right humans.
#be human ♡♡♡
sorry if there is any mistake in writing.💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2018 ⏰

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