1 // asthma

370 9 4

disclosure ; all characters and locations are works of fiction


I squinted my eyes in irritation at the idiot standing next to me as the toxic gas made it's way into my already struggling lungs. Sure, he couldn't possibly know that the white smoke was slowly suffocating me, desperately trying to take my breath away, but I couldn't help the sudden urge to take the stupid thing from his lips and throw it to the ground, stomping the flame out triumphantly.

I kept my eyes to my shoes and shuffled away from the presumably tall boy taking long drags from the cancer stick that was trying it's hardest to leave me wheezing. Unsuccessfully trying to cover up my coughs I push past this 'mystery boy' as I have decided to call him, and make my way into the hellhole I am forced to spend 7 hours a day in.

South Oak High School, with its two stories of red brick, is a pimple of the face of the Earth. Extremely run down and crowded, the place has gone to shít and I just happen to have the pleasure of attending the place.

An annoyingly high-pitched voice dreadfully pulls me out of my thoughts and into the horrors of reality. "Elle, there you are!" my 'acquaintance' Caroline decided to yell across the frustratingly long hallway. Slowing down to a halt, despite the murmurs of annoyance from my classmates, I allow Caroline to catch up to me.

Putting a bit of cheer in my voice despite the dread when the annoying girl is around, and I give her a synthetic smile. "Hey, Caroline." I murmur, gently trying to push her to the side of the crowding hall.

"All you can say is 'Hey, Caroline.'? I haven't seen you in two months!" She pouts, her voice suddenly sounding more like nails on chalk bored than her usually cheerful voice.

Don't get me wrong, Caroline is a sweet girl, she's just too sweet. To someone as anti-friendly as I am, her personality is almost as deadly to my sanity as smoke is to my asthmatic lungs. I keep to myself, adding sarcastic commentary to my boring everyday life, whereas Caroline has decided to become the most outspoken girl at this dreary school.

"Sorry," I try to sound sincere, but honestly, I just want to get out of this conversation. "How've you been?" I try this time, forcing some interest into my voice.

I begin to walk, silently hoping the lively girl will make her way to her class, disappointed when I hear her bright voice chirp from a distance as she continues to talk to me, "Great! Jared, you know, my boyfriend, took me t-"

Midway through her words, I collide with an extremely hard chest, and while falling one thing registers in my panic ridden mind-a lingering stench of cigarette smoke.


hey guys! this is really short, but it gives you a glimpse into the sarcastic mind of elle.

please vote and comment if you like it! if you find any errors please point them out as this is unedited

- Eli (yes I am a girl)

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