Peter Parker (1)

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Peter Parker x Reader
word count : 700+
plot: it's valentine's day and peter has a gift he wants to give you.

peter parker from spiderman homecoming because i love tom holland.

If you asked anyone who they thought was the prettiest girl in school, they would probably answer with Liz Allen or (Y/N) (Y/L/N). Everyone had, had a crush on at least one of them.

Peter, well he was head over heels for (Y/N). You were just so pretty and smart and kind an-.

"Peter when are you gonna give her the present?" Ned asked shaking Peter out of his daydream. "I don't know if I should give it to her she's already gotten so much from all the other boys already."

It was Valentine's Day.

You had in fact received many presents from several boys that day but none from the one you really wanted to get a present from.

Peter Parker.

You knew he liked you as you had overheard him talking about you once to Ned, saying you were his dream girl.

Ever since then you had really started to notice just how cute he was.

It was the end of the day and you were putting your stuff in your locker taking all your gifts. You heard footsteps near you so you turned to see who it was.


He was holding a present, you tried to hold back a squeal.

"H-hey (Y-y/n) I got you this Happy Valentines Day." He stuttered, which he mentally face palmed himself for.

"Oh my god Peter thank you!" Can I open it now?" You asked excitedly, grinning widely.

"Sure." He said smiling shyly back at you.

You opened it quickly.
Inside was a Spiderman hoodie and a golden necklace with a sun charm.

"I heard you say you liked Spiderman and you have such a pretty smile and it just kinda lights up the room like the sun." He rambled, blushing after he realised what he had just said.

You giggled. "I'm basically gonna live in this hoodie from now on." You smiled hugging it to yourself, "and this necklace." You sighed adoringly. You but the gifts back into the bag and gave Peter a hug.

"Thank you so much." You said smiling before kissing his cheek. He blushed an unnatural shade of red, laughing softly you hug him once more before heading out the school doors.

The next day you wore jeans and a Spiderman hoodie paired with a golden sun necklace.

Many people complimented you and asked where you had gotten it. When you replied with "Peter" they were pretty surprised.

You walked down the hall with your friend Ella. "Nice jumper, where'd you get it?" She asked. "Peter." You said smiling. "Oh no." She groans. "What." You day defensively. "You so like him." You bit your lip. "Maybe, but so what." When she didn't reply you continued.

"He's just so sweet and kind and adorable and have you seen him in gym and not to mention his personality." You rambled.

She rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh you have got it bad." She teased as you arrived at your next class chemistry. You say in your seat beside Ella in the second row. You felt eyes on you, so you turned around to find Peter and Ned staring at you.

Blushing slightly you smiled and waved. Peter looked behind him as if to check if it was him you were waving at before waving back.

"Oh my god, dude (Y/N) (Y/L/N) just waved at you." Ned whisper-shouted. "Yeah." Peter said dreamily." "And yesterday she kissed your cheek." Ned added. Peter brought a hand up to his cheek before repeating "yeah."

You smiled before getting out a notebook and pen to listen and take notes on the rest of the lesson.

You waited after class to ask Peter something.
"Peter, can I talk to you?" You said rocking on your heels soemthing Peter had noticed you only did when you were nervous.

"Yeah, okay." Peter replied. "See you in a bit Peter." Ned said walking away.

"So." You coughed. "I was wondering if you wanted to maybe come to my house after school and watch movies?" You asked.

"Like a date?" He questioned . You nodded.

Peter couldn't believe it. He swore he nearly fainted then and there. "Yes! , I mean yeah, yeah cool." He shrugged grinning cutely.

"Great." You said happily.

"I'm gonna attempt this now, incase I ruin our date and can't later." he says quickly his eyes flicker down to your lips. "May I." He whispered. "Yeah." You replied quietly.

He leans in to give you a sweet and passionate kiss.

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