Five Hargreeves (5)

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Five Hargreeves x Reader
word count : 1000+
plot: drunk five is very cute and clingy

leave requests of more people i should write imagines about! thank you so much for the support on the last imagine, i think i might write more imagines on TikTok boys (:
but for now here's an imagine with five from The Umbrella Academy.


You were sat in front of The Umbrella Academy, tapping your foot impatiently as you waited for Diego. He had called you earlier telling you to meet him there claiming "It was an emergency".

You probably would have ignored him but he said this emergency had something to do with Five.

Five had befriended you at Griddy's Doughnuts when he had returned from the apocalypse.

After a while he felt as if he could trust you and told you everything.

You had also sort of developed a crush on him.

Soon enough Diego arrived, with a drunk Five leaning against him. You raised an eyebrow amused, "This is the emergency?"

"Could you please babysit for just a little bit, I don't want him getting into trouble and i need to deal with something." Diego begged.

Before you could even reply. Five interrupted.
"I'm not a baby, I can look after myself, no babysitters." He slurred pouting.

"Look who it is Five." Diego cooed as if he was speaking to a toddler.

Five looked up at you. "(Y/N)!" He cheered as he went to hug you. You blushed as you returned his hug.

Five never really showed any affection. Which you found weird seeing as he had been alone for so long.

"Well, good luck." Diego chuckled running back to his car and then driving off.

You huffed and entered the Academy. Five still clinging to you as if his life depended on it.

Now you had to drag this boy upstairs.

"Your powers would really come in handy right now." You grunted as you struggled to get him to cooperate with you and go up the stairs.

On your way up you bumped into Klaus.

"Well aren't you two a sight for sore eyes." He awed.

"Erase this from your memory." You said to Klaus, knowing he would tease you for the rest of your life because he was the only one that knew about your little crush.

"(Y/N) you smell really nice." Five said out of nowhere, sighing happily. Once again you blushed making this situation even more embarrassing.

"Don't say a word." You muttered, starting to go up the stairs again

"Young love isn't it just the cutest thing Ben." Klaus said looking to his right.

You looked down at Klaus then back at Five and smiled slightly before finally reaching Five's bedroom.

You dropped him on the bed and headed towards the door so you could go down and make some food. Then Five started making grabby hands at you.

"What?" You asked. "Cuddles." Was his reply.
Your heart melted at the sight of Five so cute and vulnerable.

After a few seconds you smiled softly and said "Okay."
Why would you give up a chance to cuddle with Five?

You climbed into the bed and he wrapped his arms around you, holding you close. You were shocked at first and quite tense but soon after snuggled into him.

He buried his face into your neck as you began to play with his hair.

He sighed dreamily.

"(Y/N)." He said quietly. You hummed in response. "I really, really like you," "and I really like it when you play with my hair and cuddle me and smile at me an-."

He stopped suddenly, so you figured it was because he had been rambling too much and decided to stop so you replied with, "I really, really like you too Five."

When he didn't say anything back you looked to see he had drifted off to sleep.

You yawned feeling tired all of a sudden.
Not even two minutes later you were asleep as well.


"But before we wake them can we at least take a picture."
"It will look just adorable on next year's Christmas cards." You heard Klaus saying as your eyes fluttered open.

"Oh great, look now (Y/N)'s awake there goes those Christmas cards." Klaus huffed.

Diego rolled his eyes.

You decided to rest your eyes for a little while longer.

You felt arms around you.
'That's weird.' You thought. Before you remembered what happened and jumped up quickly, waking Five from his slumber as you did so.

"Ah shit my head." He mumbled as he sat up.
"Did you two enjoy your nap." Diego smirked.

Five's eyes widened as he remembered bits and pieces of what has happened and what he had said earlier that day.

"Come on let's leave the love birds to discuss." Diego chuckled.

"No, I wanna see what happens." Klaus whined. "They get all embarrassed and red." He laughed remembering bumping into Five and you previously on the stairs.

"Ben stay here and tell me all the deets." Klaus whispered loudly.

He groaned after and left. You presumed Ben had refused and you and Five were left alone.

You cleared your throat after an awkward few seconds. "I think i'll just go." You whispered sadly gesturing towards the door, jumping to the conclusion that his quietness meant he regretted what he had said before.

"No, (Y/N) don't leave I-." Five pleaded.
"You what?" You asked hopefully.
"I meant what I said earlier, I really do like you," "and when you smile at me, play with me and your cuddles." He added smiling at you as you giggled.

"I really like you too." You replied.

He looked into your eyes and grinned boyishly.
He began to lean in.

You panic slightly.
Was he going to kiss you?
You had never kissed anyone before.
What if you were a terrible kisser and this ruined everything?

You just closed your eyes and hoped your lips would magically know what to do.

Then you feel a gentle touch on your lips and realise he is kissing you.
You move your lips with his.

Soon enough you both pull away.
"Wow." You both say in unison. "What now?" you questioned.

He bites his lip before saying, "Cuddles?"

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