Stiles Stilinski (2)

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Stiles Stilinski x Reader
word count : 900+
plot: you and stiles remember how long it took for you to get here.

i honestly adore stiles and teen wolf.

Stiles didn't think there was any possible word to describe the immense amount of joy he was feeling right at this moment with you.

You were sat on his lap as you two watched Star Wars again playing with his fingers with a dreamy look on your face.

Which Stiles thought made you look absolutely adorable.

You had only been best friends a week prior but that all changed when you both confessed your feelings for each other.

You could still remember the very first time you met Stiles.

Scott and Stiles were playing in the sandpit. Scott wasn't paying much attention, still engulfed in building the perfect sandcastle.

Stiles being the friendly, kind, cute little boy he was couldn't help but notice a girl sitting on the bench alone. Playing with only a leaf looking as lonely as ever.

You were new and had moved to Beacon Hills a few weeks ago but still hadn't managed to make any friends. You looked up from underneath your hair and scanned the playground. Kids having fun, passing you by.

"Eh hem." You turned your attention to the boy who had suddenly appeared beside you. "Hey, l'm Stiles" he greeted enthusiastically putting out his hand for you to shake.

You couldn't help but smile a wide toothy grin.
A friend.

"Stiles, hmm." You said thoughtfully bringing a finger up to your chin. "I like that name, I'm (Y/N)." You shook his hand.

"Wanna be the bestest friends ever with me and my other best friend Scott?" He asked excitedly pointing over at who you assumed was Scott, who was still pretty focused on that sandcastle.

"Sure." You almost shouted.

You hugged Stiles tightly. His surprise delayed his response but soon enough he hugged you back.

You smiled at the memory.

Stiles' favourite memory was his very first kiss which just so happened to be with you.

You were fourteen. The Spring Dance was coming up. Scott, Stiles and You has agreed to go together. You three were know as 'The 3 musketeers'.

Always together. Until you decided to say yes when Ethan Geller had asked you to the dance.

Stiles was rather suspicious as to why Ethan the most popular kid in your grade had asked you, not that you weren't pretty or anything just because he had never seemed to take interest before.

Usually aiming for older girls instead.

"I can't believe he asked me, I mean I'm just, me !" You said. Stiles rolled his eyes.

"That's great." Scott said only partially listening.

"Yeah it was great the first time you told us, but it kinda lost it's greatness the next a thousand times." Stiles remarks sarcastically.

You gave him a confused look. "What's gotten into you?" You questioned. "Nothing, I just don't really give a shit about Ethan asking you to the dance to be honest." Stiles huffed. You scoffed offended at his harsh tone.

Before you could come up with a smart response, Stiles walked away, Scott following after muttering a quick apology.

The day had come and you were wearing a baby pink dress with some light makeup and your favourite hair style.

You waited a while for Ethan who said he was gonna pick you up. When he was 10 minutes late you decided to text him.

To which two minutes later he replied he forgot he had to pick you up and you should just meet him at the school.

You sighed of relief, at least you weren't being stood up. The school was only a 10 minutes away so you made your way up, saying bye to your mom before you departed.

The hall was decorated in the prettiest decorations and everyone had made an effort to look their best.

You picked up a cup of punch, taking a sip slightly thirsty from just walking there.

You looked around for Ethan and spotted him on the dance floor. As you were about to call his name he snaked an arm around some brunettes waist and kissed her.

The cup fell to the ground.
Heart broken you ran out your eyes beginning to well up with tears.
Stiles who was across the hall couldn't help but watch this whole scenario and ran after you.

He found you sitting against the lockers tears rushing down your face. Once you saw Stiles you wiped your tears away quickly with the back of your hand. "Hey." He said quietly.
"Hey." You replied. "I, uh, I saw what happened just there." He said awkwardly.

Suddenly you burst into tears again.

Stiles wrapped his arm around your shoulder. "I just, I actually thought he liked me is all." You said voice cracking. "He's a jerk and an idiot for not appreciating going to the Dance with you." Stiles went on but suddenly you couldn't hear him all you could focus on were his honey brown eyes, and pink lips.

You couldn't stop yourself from leaning in and kissing him. He kissed you back, both inexperienced, but that didn't make the kiss any less special.

You pulled away. "What was that for" he asked blushing "Nothing, you're just.., you're
the best Stiles." You sighed putting your head back on his shoulder.

"Stiles, Stiles" You said snapping him out of his daydream. The movie had finished.

"What were you thinking about." You asked curiously.

"Just you, me, us and just how long it took for us to get here.

"Stiles." You whispered looking up at him.

"I love you".

"I love you too." He said back.
He then kissed her lovingly.

The first I love you. Yet another memory to add to the book.

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