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Recap; I can't put in it words. Haha. No Chakoriya n Surya romance Ragya n Lakshya Romance. They had a masquerade party at Ratan Singh palace who tried to misbehave with Ragya.

Chakoriya was looking at her King... Surya. Surya was sleeping on their big bed.

 Surya was sleeping on their big bed

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Surya opens his eyes. What happen my highness today ops tonight u r not sleeping?! Is something disturbing U?!. Chakoriya; haan Ratan Singh! He robbed my sleep.

Surya; what 😱?! U know that this is my duty... he pulls her. Chakoriya; ssh I didn't meant that! U know! I'm scared of his next plan. Surya; haan u r right but that is my problem not urs! U r the princess u shouldn't think abt war. U should think abt love...

Chakoriya; u r such a Casanova... Surya 😎.
Chakoriya; but there is one more thing I would like to suggest u!. Surya made her lie on his chest. Okay tell me what?!. Chakoriya; u should take the throne. It belongs to u!. Surya looked at her. I told u that he is planning something... I...?

Hehehe hihihi... a laughter was to hear... Surya n Chakoriya looked at each other. Like who is this at this hour...?!

A knock... another knock....

Chakoriya was abt to stood up but Surya stopped her. He went to the door n opens it. He founds Ragya n Lakshya in front of him.

Surya; Ragya Lakshya what r u doing here?!. Ragya slightly pushes Lakshya. Who looked at her like !I'm on it na!.

Lakshya; I.. want to talk to... Princess Chakoriya. Surya turns to Chakoriya who stood up n come to the door.

Ragya; Suno Jaise humne baat ki th waise hi bolna! {listen say like we have rehearsed it}.
Lakshya nods. Surya looked at Ragya with an intense look n a mischievous smile. Ragya too smiles back mischievously.

Chakoriya comes to the door. Lakshya saw her. He took a deep breath. Chakoriya I'm very sorry for my bad behaviour toward u. In the past I have made many mistakes but I promise to u. From now on I will be a better brother n gud prince n the best husband. Ragya hit with her hand on his head. Lakshya!

Lakshya turns. Too much!. Surya; she is my wife so I'm her best Husband! Lakshya; oh Haan! Sorry?!. Lakshya rubs his back head.
Chakoriya hugs Lakshya. Bhai!!! She always wanted to call him Bhai n hug him. She was always scared that he might push her or hit her.

Surya; come in. Lakshya; no we actually come to say this n then we wanted to ask for permission to leave tomorrow morning.

Chakoriya; what no?!. She looked at Surya. Surya; hmm I..., Chakoriya pouts with a stern look. Lakshya; okay fine we will leave later not tomorrow. Chakoriya hugs him tighter. Surya release a breath of relief.

Ragya; ya I'm so happy. She enters the room. Bhai I want a new horse. Like Lakshya has one. Lakshya; then ask me not ur brother. Ragya; nahi I don't want to ask u. I want u to give it me without asking for it. U have to read my mind. Lakshya; wah how should I read ur mind?!

RagLak were sitting on the bed of SuKor. Surya shows to his princess the way to the bed. Chakoriya nods with a smile. The four were sitting on the big bed when Chakoriya again start the talk abt the throne.

Lakshya; what happen?! I thought u r waiting coz the king is playing behind ur back. Ragya nods. Haan I don't understand y he is doing this he is our father still he seeks only for power!. Lakshya; I know he told me that... Surya; what?!. Lakshya; he told me to step back from this marriage as he doesn't want Chakoriya to be the new highness as she is strong n not manipulatable.

Surya; see he is planning something behind my back if I take my throne now he can do more wrong than I can handle later. Lakshya; if u want I can try to find out what he is planning. He knows that I don't like Chakoriya maybe he will trust me n tell me abt his plans?!.

Ragya; no! I don't want this what if he finds out that all is changed?!. Lakshya; no he won't if I behave like before! I will show him the old Lakshya who is selfish n angry?!.

Ragya thought. I don't like this idea abt I should trust ur judgment. I'm with U! Lakshya smiles at her. Don't worry I will be very careful n if necessary I will lie that I hate U!

Ragya took the pillow n starts to beat him. Lakshya; Ragya!! Aahhh!!! Stop!! He hold her tight... they were lost...

Surya cleans his throats... RagLak comes out of their trance with a blush. Ragya; we r going now. Lakshya; haan it's better we leave now n hopefully we will get to know more abt the plan of King KN.

Surya n Chakoriya nods. RagLak leaves. Chakoriya hugs Surya. Surya was confused. What happen?! Highness I can't breath please leave me.. he said with a repressed voice.

Chakoriya; my brother I got my brother. Bcz of ur deal! Ur unconditional love for ur sister ur anger which had made me first angry but later love u!

Surya; U love me?!. Chakoriya bites on her tongue. Haan can't I say I love U?!. Surya; even I do!. Chakoriya; what?? U love urself?! Selfish man!

Surya hugs her. I love U! My highness! Chakoriya slept on his chest...

Ragya; Lakshya don't say u hate me!!. Lakshya; ok I won't u know y?!. Ragya shook her head. He pulls her toward her.

Ragya: chi Raja Saab u already did it..! I can't anymore. Lakshya; sshh! Listen.. I love U! Ragya; haaw She hugs him tight. I love U!!!

Lakshya; Ragya... what r u... no... no... Ragya...


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